I was just puttering around online and I discovered this
article. A German taxi company is sponsoring a video game that’s attached to a urinal. Based on the control of the urine stream, a car is driven on the video screen. If you crash the car, you’re obviously “too pissed to drive” and a number is given for a cab company.
Questions/comments I have about the game:
--How does one go in reverse?
--In my experience, men have a tendency to miss when they’re stone sober…how are you going to judge sobriety based on aim?
--Is there a female version? How would that work? Chicks don’t stand up to pee.
--This definitely gives a whole new meaning to “Joy Stick”.
--What happens if you don’t have enough urine to play the game?
--What if the TVs get changed to Sports Center?
--Are there other games besides a racing game to choose from…maybe Whak-a-Mole? (pun completely intended).
--Can you race others using the restroom at the same time?
--How do you accelerate or shift?
-- If this was installed in a place like ESPN Zone or Dave and Buster’s would it give you prize tickets?
--Can you save your high scores?
--Does the old adage “If you shake it more than twice then it’s considered playing with yourself” still apply?
--How does the bar enforce the call to the cab company?
--Could you have a designated pee-er?
--Does the slogan of “Let your toilet become interactive” bother anyone else?!?!? I don’t think I want my toilet to be too interactive.
I guess this is a good idea…but I’d hate to feel left out because all my friends were playing video games in the bathroom. I wonder how long before something like this crosses the pond.