Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Trick or Treat!

I hope you all had a fabulous Halloween! Here's something fun...

Trick or Treat!

Thanks to Petra for the link!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Holy Cow, that was fun!

Yesterday was the last day of the IAEA conference. I had fun making my Haitian Spirit bottle. Something interesting that I learned about them is that these bottles were used as a part of the Vodou religious altars and ceremonies. The spirit part does not refer to keeping a soul in the bottle, rather alcoholic spirits. The liquor (rum, whiskey or gin) is kept in the bottle until they are needed in the ceremony. Then a priest or priestess sips from the bottle and sprays the liquor on the alter and persons requesting the ceremony. The spirits bless whom or what ever was sprayed.

Here’s my bottle:

And yes, the protective talisman on top of the bottle is in fact Liono from Thundercats! When I found him in the collage materials, I knew he was my “protective entity”!

Here are some others that were made at the workshop at the Intuit Center.

There were even free 15 minute massages at the last event. The last event was a vendor give away, and you don’t know what you’re going to get. Unfortunately, I won 13 lbs. of clay. Not that I’m not grateful or anything (my 6th graders are going to make something fun with it!), but lugging home a huge bag of clay on the el sucked!

After the IAEA conference, I went with Julia to a Halloween Party.

Here’s Julia and I all dressed up. Julia is “Holy Cow” (you can’t see her wings) and I’m the pirate (Arrgh! I forgot me eye patch!).

I found that people knew what I was faster when I carried around this prop from the bar…”but WHY is all the rum gone!”

It was fun to meet new people, and talk with Tina and Pete. I think I needed to avoid the Ghostbuster.

I also spent the evening “hitting on” Mike—he’s such a good listener!

Thanks Julia for bringing me along! Good Times!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Yesterday, Erik Larson’s new book, Thunderstruck came out. You may recognize his name from his last book Devil in the White City (I would highly recommend it, if you haven’t read it already).

Anywho, I read in my TOC that Erik Larson was going to be in the Chicago area for his book release. So today, I headed to Centuries & Sleuths Bookstore in Forest Park to see him.

The store was so quaint! Everyone seemed to know each other (it was like the "Cheers" of bookstores!). So much more personable than your average Borders, and the place was packed!

It was a great session, even if I did walk in late… He was talking about researching his new book, as well as did a reading from it.

Eric Larson then did a brief Q&A, including questions about "Devil" and then began signing books.

Here’s my signed first edition copy!!

I know I'm going to sound like a complete and total dork, but I can't wait to dive in and get reading!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

The Results...

So, I took this quiz on line...

You Are Not Logical

Logic is obviously not a talent of yours
Or maybe your brain is totally fried today
Try again later!

Is this information really earth shattering to anybody?

Thursday, October 19, 2006

New Do

Today, Stephanie stopped by...

and now I have red extensions in my hair!

It makes me feel a little better about the bad haircut of a few weeks ago. Yeah fun new do!

Old habits die hard

What is it about Westerlin that makes me pilfer pirate posters?

It's laminated and hanging in my classroom :)

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

All hail to you, Augustana…

Sorry for the late post, but here’s the update from Homecoming Weekend! Meg, Ben and I headed out on Friday night. We had hoped to see Sing, but due to issues at school that didn’t happen. We did however make it to Jim’s Ribs…and I got carded at the liquor store formerly known as Martrels (woo-hoo!). The little pig toilet brush holder in the bathroom totally cracked me up! (May be it was due to the combo of cold medicine and beer...)

On Sunday, we checked out campus. Here’s the Crylophosaurs from the geology building that Dr. Hammer discovered (Amy, this pic is dedicated to you!)

We also went past the HOH…and here’s the girls who lived there (I’m the stand in)

Meg on the risers in the library:

I was super excited to see that my art is still standing outside the art building. Behold “Tricotomy—Mind, Body and Soul”

Me with my art:

After a very crowded Blue Cat, we discovered that Hello Dave was playing at RIBCO:

After that, we made the ever so important walk to the Crab Rangoon Man! He doesn’t have a cart anymore, rather a tent…but the Crab Rangoon is sooooo good!

See Ben even likes it!

I love my Crab Rangoon!!

The evening ended with us sharing a cab with some really awful drunk girls who were trying to haggle the fare…but we made it back to the hotel and had a fun weekend!

Monday, October 16, 2006

Save the Date

Ok, I'm claiming it right now....

Superbowl Party at my place!!**

Superbowl Sunday--February 4th, 2007


**This statement is subject to change if for some reason a miracle happens and I get tickets to the Superbowl. In which case, so long suckers!! :)

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Yeah for caffeine!

Man, I’m draggin’ today. I was up late trying to get my project done for this class I’m taking. I forgot how long CURF’s lesson plan forms are! I begged poor Donyielle to make coffee (and it was good!). Now I’m on to the wonderful thing that is caffeinated gum. It’s got a bit of a bite to it, but it does the job!!

Check it out! Two pieces of Jolt Gum equal one cup of coffee! Don’t worry it’s not to the point where I’m making coffee with Water Joe (caffeinated water).

Yeah for caffeine!

Sunday, October 8, 2006

A little addition

So far it’s been a nice weekend! The Bears kicked ass, the weather was beautiful, and I got something pierced.

That’s right, I had decided that when I could get my rear into a certain size jean I would do it. I didn’t think it would happen but that day had arrived! I told Kristi while we were watching The Game at Mike’s the little deal that I had made with myself, and she graciously offered to hold my hand! So, we did our research and headed out.

We went to Jade Dragon which isn’t too far from my place. I talked with Tom, picked out a pretty ring and was set to go. I admit, I was a little worried. Kristi told me that hers had hurt when she got it done.

Here’s me lookin’ a little worried:

Next, Tom had me tuck up my shirt and used forceps to hold the spot.

He had me lay back and he got to work. The actual piercing:

Sliding the barbell in:

I barely felt him do it. I looked back at Kristi and asked “Is it in yet?” and she said “It’s done!”

I couldn’t believe it! I was so worried after what she said (that it would hurt), I replied, “That’s it? You’re such a weenie!!”

She laughed and said “I can’t believe you just called me a weenie.”

Look, ma I even paid attention to the care instructions!

Kristi even captured Crazy Tom’s certificate on the wall… (Look at the pirate!)

I’ll post a pic so you all can see it after it’s healed.

Thanks Kristi, for your fabulous photography skills!!

Wednesday, October 4, 2006

From the list of top five things that freak me out...

It's getting to be that time of year, and they're starting to appear. I see them in stores, as decorations, one has even infiltrated Julia's desk at work and she wants it to gasp! give her kisses!! Sure, some of you may think they're harmless, maybe even cute--but they freak me out!!

What is this terrible thing?-- SNOWMEN

Why, you may ask?

Well first of all, when I was a kid, there was an incident where an excessively large 9 ft. snowman nearly fell on me, almost crushing a 4 year old Bethie. It was traumatic!! Furthermore, anytime I had made snowmen prior to this time they all had fro's--That's right...big puffy hair--like a clown (see ya'll who are freaked out by clowns are starting to get on board now, aren't ya?).

Secondly, if I wanted to be around a cold man with slush for brains, I'd still be dating one of my ex's.

Third they have these little beady eyes. It's creepy. Sometimes their "eyes made out of coal" appear to be following you.

Next, let's talk about them melting. It's just gross! And in neighborhoods where there are very few trees, there's always a melted area at the base that's yellow from the dogs. Ick!

Moving on, have you seen the Campbell's Soup commercial where one melts off of a little boy? EW!! The only marketing message that was sent to me was to keep soup in my cupboard to ward of snowmen. Apparently, soup is snowman kryptonite.

Finally, let's call a spade a spade--they're these big inanimate objects that when you dress them up, they start dancing around all willy-nilly! That's just not natural, they don't even have legs! I don't trust 'em. I mean why is it in one movie when things start flying around a house chasing after a little blond girl it's called a poltergeist and when it's a snowman chasing a little blond girl through the town it's called Frosty, the holiday classic? Hellooo!

I know I'm not the only one. I found the Snowmen Hunter's website. I'm sure there must be more. Maybe I need to start a group... I like SHOE--Snowmen Haters On Edge? At least it spells a word. Anywho, until I can figure out something better, keep the snowmen away from me!

Monday, October 2, 2006

Thank you, Mystery Person

I was at Mike's American Ale Houseon Sunday watching The Game (yes, capitol T, capitol G), and when I asked for my tab, it was only two dollars--the cost of the crab cake I ate--no beer!

I asked Melissa (the bartender) and she said that she didn't have any tab that I had any beer. I know that I had three. I did not halucinate drinking a beer. Not that this is a huge bill, but it was just weird.

So thank you, to whomever bought my Miller Lites....and GO BEARS!

Sunday, October 1, 2006


Well, yet another Chicago institution is closing down to make way for condos. Toot's on Central and Montrose will close today. It was an excellent landmarker for many finding my house (sorry, Barb) as well as a great place to get a snack on the way home from the bars!

They had all sorts of fun creations, including my personal favorite--old fashioned ice cream sodas. Not too many places still make them, and if you're a fan like me you know that they'll be missed.

I'll also miss the "Lick me" sign over the door. Apparently, it will be raffled off sometime between 5 and 8:30 tonight. There will be other activities including t-shirt making and a candlelight vigil.

I waited in line today and had one last Chicago Style dog and a raspberry ice cream soda. It was yummy! I'll miss ya, Toots! So, as it say's on the door--"Toot-a-loo"!