Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Does this count as a chapter for the Frog Chronicles?

This evening, my doorbell rang. Now, I don't usually answer the door if I'm not expecting anyone, but I do check to see who is hanging out on my front porch. I checked through the incessant ringing and knocking and there were three teen-aged boys (late high school age) on my front steps. After about 5 minutes of non-stop knocking, I opened the door with my trusty golf club (thank you, Big John!) to see what they wanted.

They were soliciting window estimates in the neighborhood. I just stared...seriously? That's worth being that annoying? Anywho, I declined their offer for an estimate. One of the boys thanked me for my time, told me to have a good evening and then said "You have really great legs."

Wha?? Did I actually hear that? I asked "What did you just say?" He turned back, stuttered something incoherent and ran down the steps. His buddies were laughing at him.

How is this good business practice? How icky is it being checked out by 17 year olds?

EW! I should have taken a swing with the golf club.

1 comment:

pinknest said...

that is hilarious! and so random. window estimates?! it must've been a joke, no?