Friday, September 22, 2006

More things that bug me

We all know that blatant obnoxiousness with a cell phone irritates me (see a previous post), but this one takes the cake!

I was at the gym and I needed to use the bathroom. I headed over to the stalls and I could hear this woman in one of the stalls talking on her cell phone. Ok, well some people have relationships like that, whatever. Not something, I'd do, but maybe it works for some.

There was another woman using the facilities, and just as I was getting to the stalls I heard the woman on the cell phone ask the person she was speaking with to hold a minute while she shushed the other woman for pee-ing too loudly!

Are you kidding me?!?!

How can you be in a public restroom, on a cell phone and shush someone for doing their business!? I really think that phone booths need to make a come back. Even if there aren't phones in them. Just so loud cell phone talkers can shut themselves inside and not bother the rest of us!

Some people just need to be beaten with their own cell phones.

1 comment:

molly said...

that is great! sounds like it came out of a seinfeld episode!!!