School has started, and so far, there is one class that is totally out of control. It was a very LONG hour with them So, I decided that since I survived, I wanted to have a glass of wine with dinner. I pulled the bottle out of the fridge, and went to the drawer where I keep the cork screw...
and I dig...
and I dig...
No cork screw.
I realize, that my ONLY cork screw (I have at least 10 bottle openers that I came across) was taken to Ravinia earlier in the summer, and I can only assume that it is at Chris's. Most of you realize what a HUGE problem that actually is. Well, what's a girl gonna do? I refuse to let a little thing like that stop me. (Does that make me an alcoholic?)
Anywho, I did what every red blooded American girl would do... I got my drill.
For those of you who know me, no worries. I did not cause any damage to myself or property. For the record I only spilled a few drops of wine.
What I did was I took a long screw and drilled it down into the cork. I then used pliers to slide the cork out about an inch.

When I realized that I couldn't get any more leverage or the strength to pull the cork out with my hands, I used the vice in my basement to hold the screw while I pulled on the bottle to get it open (hence the spilling of few drops).
It takes a lot more than loosing a cork screw to stop me!! And for the record, the wine was delicious with my dinner.
I bet Jack feeling strangely proud right now.
genius! i cannot believe a vice was used in the uncorking of your wine.
Only you, only you. I'm so glad to see that you haven't changed over the past few years!
That a way, girl. You make me proud!
Happy Birthday!
Jack & Mom
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