Meg and I definately got our tastings worth. We even discovered Bokbunja, this excellent black raspbery Korean wine. It's a type of desert wine that's practially a port, and it's AMAZING! We made several stops at that booth. We also tried a few old favorites as well as "Frappe Vino" by d'marie inc. It's actually a wine slushie!! Oh heaven!!
After the we had enough wine, we went and had some dinner...(I can't remember where, but it was good!) Then we headed to Union Station to get out to Meg and Ben's.
I felt the need to say good bye to Marshall Fields...

For those of you who don't know, the evil Macy's has bought out Marshall Fields and has changed them all to Macy's. I hate Macy's. So much that here's me flipping the Macy's sign off...

We got to Union Station, and I we got on our train. It was acutally my first trip on the Metra. I'm a city girl, I've never needed to get out to the suburbs by train!!
Here's my ticket.
We made it back to A-town safe and sound. The conductor was quite entertaining!
Yeah Wine!! Yeah Metra! (I still hate Macy's)
that is so depressing about marshall fields. it was a chicago tradition. my mom used to call me out sick from school in the winter to go on our anual shopping trip. we would eat in the walnut room and wander around the windows. macys sucks!
macy's does suck! bleah. it is a monstrosity in nyc and so poorly organized.
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