Thursday, October 2, 2008

Not Cool!

I headed to the fridge to make some toast and I pulled a loaf of bread out of the freezer. I put it in the toaster. I started to close the bag and I realized that it was soft...

Yeah, I pulled it out of the freezer.

My fridge is dying. Not only that, my beer was getting warm.

So, I did what I had to do. I ran to the basement and got the mini fridge from college (a.k.a. The Bears Game Beer Fridge) and plugged it in. Then I started drinking the beer. I mean, I can't let it get warm (aside from in my tummy!).

Don't worry, I pitched the rest of the perishables. I'm hoping because it's about 55 to 60 in the fridge right now, most of my produce is going to be ok. Clearly, the dairy is gone (don't even ask about the mayo or ranch dressing). Oh, and don't worry about the Bailey's, Jameson and beer, I made some Irish Carbombs--and I'm not so sad about the dying fridge anymore! :)

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