Thursday, October 9, 2008

Google Goggles

Google has come up with a way to help poor inebriated souls, like myself keep, from drunk emailing people. (And, let's face it--many of you have gotten at least one of these from me.) It's called Mail Goggles. Once it's set up, it asks you to complete a series of math problems with in a certain amount of time to send your email. You can even set it for times when it has to be active (like 2 am on a Saturday).

While this is genius, I have to say, what happens when I'm sober and I have to send an email? Let's face it--Math is not my friend. How the heck am I supposed to get those emails out? And if I do go for the calculator, who's to stop me from going for one when I'm wasted? I think that a logic problem might be a better control. Or one of those captia puzzle thingys. Good idea in theory...but math just might stop all email communication from me, permanently!

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