Then I decided that I needed to have some fun (because isn't that what it's all about?). In Chinatown, some kind souls gave me a Budweiser, and that's when I discovered that the beer was much colder than the water or Gatorade! Then I found some guys South on Michigan Ave who were watching runners...they gave me 2 Miller Lites (one I drank with them, and one I took with me). And then some others on Michigan that traded out my empty Miller Lite for an Amstel Lite that made it across the finish. It was nice to hear people cheer "Yeah, Beer Girl!"
You can see, I did finish (5:48:11--13:18 av pace), with my beer, my medal and a shiny mylar blanket (I *heart* all those things!)
It was about a 10 minute PR, but I'm still glad that I get a do-over this weekend...there's supposed to be cooler weather in Indianapolis...and I get to run it with Julia! Yeah road trip! I'm also strangely proud of the fact that 1/2 of the marathon photos taken on the course have me holding a beer and running, and that my visor is coated with salt...At least you know I was having fun!!

Thank you to everyone for their support! And a special thanks to all of you who were on the course cheering for me--you rock!
Yeah beer girl! I wish I would've realized that the beer was colder than water...
You have much to learn, Grasshopper.
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