Before you dive in to that bag of mini Snicker's bars, here's a way to give to the hungry children of the world with out costing a dime. The site is Free Rice. You'll broaden your vocabulary and help people at the same time. By choosing the correct synonym, 20 grains of rice are donated per word. Don't worry, if vocabulary isn't your thing there are other catagories of foreign language, art and math (among others). If nothing else, it will keep your mind sharp and your fingers occupied between trick or treaters!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Hand Check!
It's a beautiful time of year when Baseball is playing the World Series. Football is in full swing and there's hockey to be watched. I was at BW3s over the weekend and met this guy who asked if I wanted to meet up to watch the first game of the World Series. Granted I'm not happy about the Phillies v. Rays in the game, but at least with this being the case I won't be glued to the screen and shushing him.
The date started with him being more than 30 minutes late. I was really starting to think that I was being stood up. Then he stated that he had a gift for me, which began the toothbrush flashbacks, fortunately for me it was a Cubs hat. I'm still not certain the thought process behind the gift (since he stated that he was a die hard Sox fan), but I thanked him none the less.
The date progressed ok. We had a few beers (unfortunately he had twice as many as I), made fun of the Rays, chatted...all was going fairly normal until he decided he wanted to get cozy. He suddenly slid my bar stool right next to him and put his arm around me. I hate to be a bitch, but I have a little bit of a personal bubble. Now, not so much that I can't handle close proximity, but I don't feel the need to share a bar stool with someone.
Just as I was able to get some elbow room from octopus arms, he flipped my shirt up and slid his hand up my bare back under my bra strap!!
Really? Is it necessary to do that on a first date?!?! I hate to sound like a prude, but what the crap?!?! Does something about me say that I'm that type of girl!! I was in Buffalo Wild Wings, during the top of the 8th, not a brothel!! I know we were watching baseball, but that doesn't automaticly give you licence to get to second base! BAD TOUCH!!
And then, when clearly I make my discomfort known, how does that give someone a green light to kiss me? WTF?!?! I completely missed those signals!! I'm not a huge PDA kinda person. There are some acceptable levels of PDA that don't make me uncomfortable, but hand up shirt in a restaurant during the World Series? So not ok!!
I tried to gracefully get out and to my car. The 'gentleman' (and I use that word loosely) walked me out to my car and tried to kiss me again! How is it that it's ok to keep going when I'm literally pushing you away!
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Ford for all 260 horses that they put in my engine to get me out of there!! Now if you'll excuse me, I have to hit the shower to wash this date off me. I hope I have enough hot water. UGH!
The date started with him being more than 30 minutes late. I was really starting to think that I was being stood up. Then he stated that he had a gift for me, which began the toothbrush flashbacks, fortunately for me it was a Cubs hat. I'm still not certain the thought process behind the gift (since he stated that he was a die hard Sox fan), but I thanked him none the less.
The date progressed ok. We had a few beers (unfortunately he had twice as many as I), made fun of the Rays, chatted...all was going fairly normal until he decided he wanted to get cozy. He suddenly slid my bar stool right next to him and put his arm around me. I hate to be a bitch, but I have a little bit of a personal bubble. Now, not so much that I can't handle close proximity, but I don't feel the need to share a bar stool with someone.
Just as I was able to get some elbow room from octopus arms, he flipped my shirt up and slid his hand up my bare back under my bra strap!!
Really? Is it necessary to do that on a first date?!?! I hate to sound like a prude, but what the crap?!?! Does something about me say that I'm that type of girl!! I was in Buffalo Wild Wings, during the top of the 8th, not a brothel!! I know we were watching baseball, but that doesn't automaticly give you licence to get to second base! BAD TOUCH!!
And then, when clearly I make my discomfort known, how does that give someone a green light to kiss me? WTF?!?! I completely missed those signals!! I'm not a huge PDA kinda person. There are some acceptable levels of PDA that don't make me uncomfortable, but hand up shirt in a restaurant during the World Series? So not ok!!
I tried to gracefully get out and to my car. The 'gentleman' (and I use that word loosely) walked me out to my car and tried to kiss me again! How is it that it's ok to keep going when I'm literally pushing you away!
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Ford for all 260 horses that they put in my engine to get me out of there!! Now if you'll excuse me, I have to hit the shower to wash this date off me. I hope I have enough hot water. UGH!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
World's Largest Personal Ad
In this day and age, there are a million ways to find a date. It seems that many of them haven't worked for me...but then again, they may work for others. However, I've found one that's completely extreme. There's a woman looking to raise 3 million dollars to get an ad spot during the Superbowl. Her website, shows her story, as well as her current amount fundraised ($741.00 as of post time).
There's just soooo much wrong with all of this!! First of all, does no one else think this woman is a few fries short of a Happy Meal? I mean, CRA--ZY!! And if you're this nuts, do you think a man is really going to want to date you? (Unless he, himself, is just as loony...and then y'all shouldn't breed.) This is not the optimism of a hopeless romantic, this is insanity.
Second the Superbowl?!? Seriously, try or a personal add in the paper, or even Craig's list! Most of you know that I consider Superbowl Sunday to be a holiday. I don't want this chickie to ruin my holiday!! (don't mess with my Superbowl!!) The commercials are for getting another beer, more food or using the bathroom. Not for watching the commercials (you can check those out online the next day). The focus should be on FOOTBALL!!
Does she really think this is the best method to get a guy? This is a national spot, she lives in New York, what is she going to want with Bubba in Appalachia? Maybe it's just me, but I've found that long distance never seems to work out, unless someone is going to move.
There's even different levels of giving to this cause. For $10 grand, you'll not only help this desperate woman, but you'll also get an invite to her wedding. Do you really need to pay $10,000 for a ticket to a freak show? And what of the other weirdo's that would pay that...the mayhem that could ensue!
Finally, how is this website even still running? The phrase "Superbowl" is copyrighted. Roger Goodell, where are you and your high priced lawyers to shut that site down for copyright infringement!!
I know I think this is ridiculous, and I would like this woman to be happy. But really, wouldn't it be a better use of your time to have a web site that could act as your personal add? I just don't get it...
There's just soooo much wrong with all of this!! First of all, does no one else think this woman is a few fries short of a Happy Meal? I mean, CRA--ZY!! And if you're this nuts, do you think a man is really going to want to date you? (Unless he, himself, is just as loony...and then y'all shouldn't breed.) This is not the optimism of a hopeless romantic, this is insanity.
Second the Superbowl?!? Seriously, try or a personal add in the paper, or even Craig's list! Most of you know that I consider Superbowl Sunday to be a holiday. I don't want this chickie to ruin my holiday!! (don't mess with my Superbowl!!) The commercials are for getting another beer, more food or using the bathroom. Not for watching the commercials (you can check those out online the next day). The focus should be on FOOTBALL!!
Does she really think this is the best method to get a guy? This is a national spot, she lives in New York, what is she going to want with Bubba in Appalachia? Maybe it's just me, but I've found that long distance never seems to work out, unless someone is going to move.
There's even different levels of giving to this cause. For $10 grand, you'll not only help this desperate woman, but you'll also get an invite to her wedding. Do you really need to pay $10,000 for a ticket to a freak show? And what of the other weirdo's that would pay that...the mayhem that could ensue!
Finally, how is this website even still running? The phrase "Superbowl" is copyrighted. Roger Goodell, where are you and your high priced lawyers to shut that site down for copyright infringement!!
I know I think this is ridiculous, and I would like this woman to be happy. But really, wouldn't it be a better use of your time to have a web site that could act as your personal add? I just don't get it...
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Indianapolis Marathon
This was Julia's first marathon, and I have to tell you how proud I am!! She is a total rock star!!
First of all, it was a perfect day for a marathon, about 60 degrees and mostly sunny (all though I did not care for the head wind toward the end). Unfortunately it was not a perfect marathon for me. As we were getting in to Indy, I began to feel queasy. I told Julia that I didn't feel so well. So, I rolled down Roxy's window (Julia's car's name), and realized--oh, yeah--I'm gonna barf. I completely defiled the outside of the car, and some how got vomit on my armpit (how does that happen?!?). We got to the parking lot and I felt somewhat better. After all, I have done the rainbow yawn during a training run before (on Lake Shore Drive), so I should be fine, right?
We got in to our surgical gowns (thank you, Barb!) and headed to the start. We were a little late due to the port-a-potty lines (Hoosier Potty!--say it out loud. It's funny.). Julia wanted to jump in, but I wouldn't let her...I didn't think it was a good idea to go with the 8:00 group. I think she was a little nervous, and I did everything I could to calm her down.
We began the race and even though I had spewed a 1/2 hour before the race, I felt ok (only a little nauseated). In fact, we were on perfect pace for the first 1/2 of the marathon. I knew I could make it to the first half...and at that point I was still feeling pretty good. One completely random thing, was that we saw these two guys with what seemed to be a karaoke machine crooning to the runners...guess which two celebrities they were impersonating? Oh, that would be Elvis and Meatloaf. Seriously the most bizarre combo I've seen, and the "monster ballads" they were singing only made me want to run away, not run better!
Any who, at the half the 1/2 marathoners split off and the course got really sparse. But Julia and I remained on pace, and aside from almost stepping upon squirrel road kill that freaked both of us out the race was pretty uneventful.
That is, until mile 17.
I told Julia that I was tired and needed to walk a bit and to go on with out me. The truth? I was feeling pukey again. I hurled 3 times in mile 17 (FYI--Gu looks pretty much the same going in as it does coming out). Once, near a water stop, where a paramedic asked if I wanted a ride back to the start. I responded with "No, I just want to throw up."
Y'all know me--I'm much too stubborn to not finish. And after expunging the contents of my stomach the third time I was feeling a bit better. I walked a little and continued on. I saw Julia after she had hit the turn around and she looked really good. I continued to the turn around and as I got to the sign, it blew over. Ugh!! Really? Can this race be anymore perfect!
I kept going in a walk/run. I got to the 20 telling myself--"It's a 10k--you can run a 10k--you'll be done in 1:15." By the time I got to 22, I was talking smack to the course. "4 miles--any idiot can run 4 miles!!" And finally at 23 "A 5k? Come on, you've done this drunk and hung-over!" At 24 I could feel myself really needing to push, and I remembered Elaine and her walk run plan that had helped her at Big Sur. I told myself, "One minute, you can run for 60 seconds. Then you can walk one minute."
That's what I did for the remainder of the race. (Except, I always ran any down hill). Once I hit 26, I decided I would run the last .2...and finished with a 9 minute PR time of 5:39:03 (12:56 av pace)!! Oh, yeah and upon crossing the finish line--I promptly ralphed. Fantastic.
Julia was cheering for me...until she ran over to pat my back and make sure I wasn't going to die. She kicked my ass, running her first marathon in just over 5:30. I'm so proud of her! I felt so bad I couldn't stick with her due to my yakage. I didn't want to let her down...(or hork on a marathon course, for that matter). I still think she's amazing!!
I was helping her stretch after the race, and I said "The next time I decide to do something stupid like this, remind me how AWESOME I am!!" I did it--2 Marathons in 6 days! And I PRed in both!! I can officially apply to be a Marathon Maniac!
My next question: When's the next one?

Sunday, October 12, 2008
Chicago Marathon 2008
Ah, the Chicago Marathon. I was so pumped! It was hard to keep the first half slow and on pace...I kept being asked to slow down. For the first 7 miles or so, I had a Chicago Bears balloon. I lost that at some point. I kinda missed the "Go Bears" after it was gone. Here I am at some point...clearly it's early because I'm still smiling!
But then the humidity got to me and I just couldn't keep the pace or catch my breath. I really was struggling to breathe around the United Center and then again in Pilsen. It was so hot, I took my shirt off and ran the last 7 miles in my sports bra (and ya'll know, I don't do naked in public).
Thank you to everyone for their support! And a special thanks to all of you who were on the course cheering for me--you rock!

Then I decided that I needed to have some fun (because isn't that what it's all about?). In Chinatown, some kind souls gave me a Budweiser, and that's when I discovered that the beer was much colder than the water or Gatorade! Then I found some guys South on Michigan Ave who were watching runners...they gave me 2 Miller Lites (one I drank with them, and one I took with me). And then some others on Michigan that traded out my empty Miller Lite for an Amstel Lite that made it across the finish. It was nice to hear people cheer "Yeah, Beer Girl!"
You can see, I did finish (5:48:11--13:18 av pace), with my beer, my medal and a shiny mylar blanket (I *heart* all those things!)
It was about a 10 minute PR, but I'm still glad that I get a do-over this weekend...there's supposed to be cooler weather in Indianapolis...and I get to run it with Julia! Yeah road trip! I'm also strangely proud of the fact that 1/2 of the marathon photos taken on the course have me holding a beer and running, and that my visor is coated with salt...At least you know I was having fun!!

Thank you to everyone for their support! And a special thanks to all of you who were on the course cheering for me--you rock!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Marathon Party!
Well, it's time to carb up for the Chicago Marathon! I had some runners over for a good ol' fashioned pasta party--complete with my student's marathon themed art work (It's unfortunate that the kids names are on the funnier ones, or I'd post them!). Here's Jack's version of carbo loading:
Crystal, Danielle and Colleen love Diet Pepsi!
Barb was really hungry!!
Running Buddies!
Everyone seems ready to's hoping nature cooperates--we've all worked so hard!
Good Luck to everyone running in the 2008 Chicago Marathon!

Good Luck to everyone running in the 2008 Chicago Marathon!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
My Furry Cheerleader
Google Goggles
Google has come up with a way to help poor inebriated souls, like myself keep, from drunk emailing people. (And, let's face it--many of you have gotten at least one of these from me.) It's called Mail Goggles. Once it's set up, it asks you to complete a series of math problems with in a certain amount of time to send your email. You can even set it for times when it has to be active (like 2 am on a Saturday).
While this is genius, I have to say, what happens when I'm sober and I have to send an email? Let's face it--Math is not my friend. How the heck am I supposed to get those emails out? And if I do go for the calculator, who's to stop me from going for one when I'm wasted? I think that a logic problem might be a better control. Or one of those captia puzzle thingys. Good idea in theory...but math just might stop all email communication from me, permanently!
While this is genius, I have to say, what happens when I'm sober and I have to send an email? Let's face it--Math is not my friend. How the heck am I supposed to get those emails out? And if I do go for the calculator, who's to stop me from going for one when I'm wasted? I think that a logic problem might be a better control. Or one of those captia puzzle thingys. Good idea in theory...but math just might stop all email communication from me, permanently!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Yeah!! My fridge and my beer are now chilling nicely!!
With Jack's over the phone direction, I took the back panel off and found that the fan on the compressor motor was not moving. After digging around for the right tools (Finally!! I used a refrigeration ratchet!! My parents will appreciate the wonder of that one--I used to assemble them when I was a kid.) I got the fan motor off and the other Jack came by to help. We ran to the appliance repair place and one of the very nice guys there took the motor off the carriage. I had what I needed written on my hand, and all the guys in the shop made fun of me for not using paper (Hello! I did use paper--I just forgot said paper at home and had to call Jack to get the info again :D). They also cleaned and re-attached the fan and then rewired the plug. We got back (I yelled at Jack for the total cockblock) and got the motor back in.
Total cost: $51.75.
Insert "Bethie is awesome dance" here.
Ah, I think I'll drink a nice cold beer to celebrate. :)
(oh, and P.S. I also fixed the sprayer on the sink. Oh yeah!)
With Jack's over the phone direction, I took the back panel off and found that the fan on the compressor motor was not moving. After digging around for the right tools (Finally!! I used a refrigeration ratchet!! My parents will appreciate the wonder of that one--I used to assemble them when I was a kid.) I got the fan motor off and the other Jack came by to help. We ran to the appliance repair place and one of the very nice guys there took the motor off the carriage. I had what I needed written on my hand, and all the guys in the shop made fun of me for not using paper (Hello! I did use paper--I just forgot said paper at home and had to call Jack to get the info again :D). They also cleaned and re-attached the fan and then rewired the plug. We got back (I yelled at Jack for the total cockblock) and got the motor back in.
Total cost: $51.75.
Insert "Bethie is awesome dance" here.
Ah, I think I'll drink a nice cold beer to celebrate. :)
(oh, and P.S. I also fixed the sprayer on the sink. Oh yeah!)
Still, Not Cool!
Update: My fridge is still not cold, but I think I know the problem. It's the motor attached to the fan in the back bottom of the fridge.
New mission: Get motor out. Figure out where to get new motor. Replace motor.
I figure if the fridge really is broken, I can't break it any more than it already is!
New mission: Get motor out. Figure out where to get new motor. Replace motor.
I figure if the fridge really is broken, I can't break it any more than it already is!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Not Cool!
I headed to the fridge to make some toast and I pulled a loaf of bread out of the freezer. I put it in the toaster. I started to close the bag and I realized that it was soft...
Yeah, I pulled it out of the freezer.
My fridge is dying. Not only that, my beer was getting warm.
So, I did what I had to do. I ran to the basement and got the mini fridge from college (a.k.a. The Bears Game Beer Fridge) and plugged it in. Then I started drinking the beer. I mean, I can't let it get warm (aside from in my tummy!).
Don't worry, I pitched the rest of the perishables. I'm hoping because it's about 55 to 60 in the fridge right now, most of my produce is going to be ok. Clearly, the dairy is gone (don't even ask about the mayo or ranch dressing). Oh, and don't worry about the Bailey's, Jameson and beer, I made some Irish Carbombs--and I'm not so sad about the dying fridge anymore! :)
Yeah, I pulled it out of the freezer.
My fridge is dying. Not only that, my beer was getting warm.
So, I did what I had to do. I ran to the basement and got the mini fridge from college (a.k.a. The Bears Game Beer Fridge) and plugged it in. Then I started drinking the beer. I mean, I can't let it get warm (aside from in my tummy!).
Don't worry, I pitched the rest of the perishables. I'm hoping because it's about 55 to 60 in the fridge right now, most of my produce is going to be ok. Clearly, the dairy is gone (don't even ask about the mayo or ranch dressing). Oh, and don't worry about the Bailey's, Jameson and beer, I made some Irish Carbombs--and I'm not so sad about the dying fridge anymore! :)
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