Sunday, August 12, 2007

13.1 Reasons to Smile

I did it!!! First ½ Marathon!! (insert happy dance here Woo-Hoo!!)

This morning was the Chicago Distance Classic and while there’s a strong possibility it’s due to a runner’s high, I never thought I’d run 13.1 miles and have this big of a smile on my face!! (Still doing the happy dance)

It wasn’t all smooth sailing; I did hit a few speed bumps. The first slight problem was around mile six…my iPod ran out of juice. After I quit swearing, I started singing to myself in my head. (Did you know “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” and the “Alphabet Song” have the same tune? My profound discovery around mile 7). The second came between miles nine and lungs decided that they had had enough. If I didn’t slow down to walk they were going to revolt with an asthma attack. While my legs wanted to keep going, I decided that a nice little walk break was in order. The last problem didn’t present itself until much later in the day…the sun wasn’t up at 4:30 when I woke up, but sunblock would have been a really smart choice (not that my sports bra burn line isn’t sexy). Two out of three of those bumps are fixable… Memo to me: 1) Charge iPod, 2) Slather on the SPF.

It was a great race! Thank you to everyone who sent their advice and well wishes for this race…as well as telling me that I’d do all right (Chris), and not die (Barb), or even that I’m crazy (Mom). I’m a little sad I have to wait until January before I run another 1/2 marathon. But until then I have a big honkin’ penguin medal, a little bit of bragging rights, and an excuse to keep doing the happy dance!

PS---Happy Birthday to Meghan!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey congrats on your finish! I, too, ran yesterday and I ran with my GPS device. My GPS told me the race was 13.95 miles long....yes, over 3/4 of a mile longer than it was supposed to be! I talked to others who also ran the race with their GPS's and they all agreed it was longer than it should have been. So now you can be even more proud of yourself!


Who, me? said...

Congrats! I am insanely impressed!

Bethie said...

Deanna--Nice to meet you and thanks for the tip...and I thought I was just being a smartass when I asked "Who moved the finish line?"!!

Newbie--Thanks! Who knew I did become a runner? :)

Victoria said...

Bethie... congrats!!! I'm super impressed and way proud of you!!! And maybe, just maybe, your all-star finish is enough to motivate me to start running! Hahaha!!!

Anonymous said...

No way YOU finished a half marathon. You must have cheated.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's some pretty big shit talking from someone who's too big of a pussy to leave their name and own up to it. Oh well, Bethie, take comfort in the fact the anonymous is probably a big lazy fatass who couldn't walk to the mailbox let alone RUN 13.1 miles! Congrats, babe, and I'm proud of you!!!

Anonymous said...

The "Anonymous" person is truly a bastard...remember as Dr. Perry Cox on Scrubs once said:

"People aren't chocolates, know what they are mostly? Bastards...Bastard coated bastards with bastard filling."

Bethie said...

Victoria—If you want a running buddy, just let me know! I’d be happy to run with you. There are tons of little races that are lots of fun—because if it’s not fun, you’re not doing it right! :)

Barb—You’re my running angel! I wouldn’t have made it if it weren’t for you. Your support, advice, encouragement, and listening to my fears made me all the stronger. I also appreciate your defense from a certain anonymous individual who obviously has nothing positive to contribute to this discussion.

Joe—that’s too funny. Thanks!

About and to Anonymous: At first I thought about deleting that comment. But then again, you do have the right to your opinion (and quite frankly, you also have the right to not read my blog). Then I thought about ignoring it, but it’s my blog and I’ll respond if I want to!

Anonymous—What a sad little world in which you live, that you would make such accusations. I know that in the grand scheme of things, my running this distance makes no difference to anyone but me. I’m no hero and I’ve done nothing extraordinary. My running has made the world no better of a place and it would have made no difference if I hadn’t even tried. But I did run every step of every mile. I am proud of myself. I completed this goal for no one but myself. I KNOW, with out a doubt, I completed a ½ marathon. Make any accusation you choose. You can never take my accomplishment from me.

Deanna said...

Hey Bethie...

Check out my blog and read the letter I got back from the CDC...and the response I'd love to send back...


Anonymous said...

That was a great picture of you at the end of the race. That's my girl! You can do anything if you put your mind to it! Anonymous must be someone who is to Chicken to put their Name down let alone run the race! I can see wings flipping!!

Anonymous said...

I love Gail!! I Beth's mom!!!