Wednesday, October 18, 2006

All hail to you, Augustana…

Sorry for the late post, but here’s the update from Homecoming Weekend! Meg, Ben and I headed out on Friday night. We had hoped to see Sing, but due to issues at school that didn’t happen. We did however make it to Jim’s Ribs…and I got carded at the liquor store formerly known as Martrels (woo-hoo!). The little pig toilet brush holder in the bathroom totally cracked me up! (May be it was due to the combo of cold medicine and beer...)

On Sunday, we checked out campus. Here’s the Crylophosaurs from the geology building that Dr. Hammer discovered (Amy, this pic is dedicated to you!)

We also went past the HOH…and here’s the girls who lived there (I’m the stand in)

Meg on the risers in the library:

I was super excited to see that my art is still standing outside the art building. Behold “Tricotomy—Mind, Body and Soul”

Me with my art:

After a very crowded Blue Cat, we discovered that Hello Dave was playing at RIBCO:

After that, we made the ever so important walk to the Crab Rangoon Man! He doesn’t have a cart anymore, rather a tent…but the Crab Rangoon is sooooo good!

See Ben even likes it!

I love my Crab Rangoon!!

The evening ended with us sharing a cab with some really awful drunk girls who were trying to haggle the fare…but we made it back to the hotel and had a fun weekend!


pinknest said...

cute photos! love the piggy.

molly said...

augustana, auguastana, we thy children as of old ....

i lived in HOH my junior year! fun times there!

and you made that statue? impressive!

Bethie said...

Thanks! I love my art!

Bethie said...

That's me...Jack of all trades, master of none!