I of course felt the need to practice actual marathon conditions. And as you all know, this means finding beer along the course! You can see that some tailgaters gave me one...

Sometime after 10:30 the flags were changed to red/high risk level.

We did have one runner go down...Melissa finished and headed straight to the medical tent. She was suffering from heat exhaustion and dehydration. We got her to the ER and 3 liters of fluid later she started to feel better. While I was pretty much useless in the medical capacity (Let's face it, I was trying not to puke every time she was stuck for an IV), I did try to entertain her by singing her songs and trying to find all the possible impressions I could do with the mylar blanket. (You'd be surprised how many you can do with that thing...Elvis, Chipotle Burrito, Batman and my personal favorite Jiffy Pop!)
Aside from the massive amounts of time in the ER and missing the Bears game it wasn't too bad of a day, it certainly was a memorable!
Glad the 20 miler went well! It was a rather warm and humid day for running... but it'll prepare you for if it's anything like last year!
And yes, I know I haven't updated my blog in FOREVER... not that I have any really good excuses... except my sister is getting married this weekend and that stuff has been keeping me kinda busy... and my life really isn't all that exciting!
Way to be there in a pinch, Dr. Bethie!
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