Thursday, January 3, 2008


A new year. A fresh start. A time to make some resolutions!

My goals for 2008 are:
  • Give up pop. (It’s really bad for me…fortunately I’ve discovered caffeinated water! Besides, this allows me more room for beer!)
  • Complete the Disney Half Marathon.
  • Try to be vegetarian during lent (fish and dairy ok).
  • Complete the Shamrock Shuffle.
  • Complete the Flying Pig Marathon (gulp).
  • Complete the Soldier Field 10 Mile Race.
  • Learn to swim so that I can complete a Triathlon. (may be sprint distance)
  • Repeat the Chicago Distance Classic.
  • Earn a CARA Participation Award.

Looks like I have a lot of miles to go! It’s interesting that this year, my goals are races…that’s so cool! (I blame Barb for turning me into a runner chick!!)


Victoria said...

Those are awesome goals!
Have you registered for the Shuffle yet? I did at 3:47am on New Years... hahaha! YIKES!

pinknest said...

omg you are doing so many races. so active!!

Meg said...

That's a lot of resolutions! It's been a while, but I'd be happy to provide you with some swimming lessons if you need them :)

Bethie said...

victoria--Yep, I'm registered! I LOVE races that have tech shirts!

pinknest--A lot of the races last year were closed by the time I wanted to run I'm making certian they're on the todo list for this year!

meghan--I think I may take you up on that offer...I'm dying to do the Accenture Triathalon at the end of the summer!! When are you availible? I think I have to swim a mile or something...(Ok, I don't actually know, but it seems intimidating!!)

Anonymous said...

Are you serious about the accenture triathalon... I'm terrified to swim in open water - only pool triathalons for me!!!!You'll have to practice in the lake and get a wet suit cause it'll be cold even in the summer! See how the swimming goes in the pool first...