Monday, January 28, 2008

Vote Early and Often

That's right, election season is underway, and I am asking for your vote!!

Whha? Bethie getting political? How in the world did that happen?!?!

Well, it's not for your usually candidate. I'm looking for votes in the Chicago's Most Beautiful Cat Contest, sposnored by the RedEye.,0,7821715.special

Julie's cat is a finalist!! So please, vote for Linus today!! He's really a good cat, and is fully endoresed by Seamus the Wondercat. Today Linus is up against Cruella (remember, she was the evil woman that tried to kill all the Dalmation puppies...) in the Eartha Kitt Region.

**This add is sponsored by "People who think Linus rocks!!"


Anonymous said...

Cats are food, not friends. :)

Anonymous said...

Great idea Bethie! I think I too shall blog for Linus!


pinknest said...

i voted for linus!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your support, Bethie!!