Sunday, January 6, 2008

Old Froggies

All I wanted was a beer and a crab cake. That’s it, nothing more. So, I headed to my local old-man-dive-bar. They’re good for those two things (also tater-tots, but I had those last weekend).

I was watching the Steelers/Jaguars game and enjoying myself when suddenly I’m flanked on either side by two men old enough to be my father. Now, I hate to sound conceited, but what makes a man of that age think that I want to go out with them? All I could think was “EW!! DIRTY OLD MAN!!!”.

Seriously, one even gave me his card. The irony of it all? He’s an exterminator.


pinknest said...

pass on the men, yes. but tatertots?!

Anonymous said...
