Thursday, December 7, 2006

For the Kids

In a previous post I shared my experience making Haitian Spirit Bottles. I was trying to figure out what type of bottles that would be both easily obtained and small. I decided that I would try these cute little tonic water bottles.

I'll be honest, I've never had tonic water before, much less have any clue what to do with it. Of course I bought the diet variety, heck, I buy diet everything. I tried it out of the was a little bitter. I've heard of gin and tonic, so I figured why not give that a whirl. Shot of gin, little lime...I'm golden! It's probably something that I'd have to be in the mood for, but at least I have a way to get spirit bottles for my kids!

Anyone have suggestions for other uses for tonic water or other drinks that come in those cute little bottles?

Until then I'll be having gin and tonics...after all, it's for the kids!


Matt Brand said...


Matt Brand said...

er, im getting sick of seeing you hand now.

pinknest said...

you should make a punch, with some orange sherbet and 7-up with the tonic.

Bethie said...

What's with the hand obsession?