I hit the shower, got everything together to drive to Laura’s house. I did stop for bagels. The people a Dunkin’ Donuts found me quite entertaining. I was skipping through the store in my Butkus Jersey and Bears Santa Hat. For some reason, they decided, that I didn’t need any coffee. (I wonder way? Caffeine Nazis!!)
Any who, I made it to Laura’s a little before 6:00—ROADTRIP!!
For those of you out of the loop, Laura, Nancy, Rob and I were heading to Detroit to see the Bears game!!
Here’s Laura and Nancy waiting for the game to start,

The Bears Santa hat made it’s debut at this game. (I love “Bears Wear!”) I also love my Bears Fan! It also says, "Go Chicago" and "Number One"--It was part of my Christmas present from Becca. She found it in rual Iowa...who knew?! (Thanks, Becca!!)
The view from our seats.
They actually sell Guinness at Ford Field!! Merry Christmas to me!!
Go Bears!!!
During the game, there’s a game to play, sponsored by Dunkin’ Donuts, where each level of the stadium is either “Cuppy the Coffee”, a Breakfast Sandwich or a Donut, and they race on the screen. I’m sure many of you have seen a similar thing at other sporting events. Well, at Ford field, people dressed as these characters finish the on screen race by running out of the tunnel and onto the field. It was hilarious when the breakfast sandwich fell on the field and couldn’t get up. If you look carefully, you can see them in the top of the pic.
After a heart stopping ending…Bears win!!
Here are the happy Bears fans…
And disgruntled Lions fans…I know you can’t read the signs…but they’re really rude to Millen. (Thanks to the friendly Lions fans for the pic).
It’s time to head home, Rob, leaves the stadium with his Bears tail.
This road trip was awesome!! Thanks to Laura for finding tickets.
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