I’ve been doing the usual, shopping with Mom (fyi—if you’re ever in the Palm Beach area, there’s this Mexican restaurant where they make guacamole table side…it’s amazing!!—Mom, what’s the name of the place??), hanging out with Jack (check out his Christmas Train display!)

visiting Grandma and Grandpa, going to prison....
That’s right, yesterday, instead of being in a bar, I was behind bars.
My mother has been a CCI (Canine Companions for Independence) puppy raiser. Since her last dog, Tonka, was taken in to the program, she has been training inmates and their puppies in the Sheriff’s Drug Farm Boot Camp Facility.
Thursday morning, I was up bright and early to go to the prison to help her with the days class. Sergeant Harris was there to escort us to the space used for the classroom. Mom leads a class of 8 inmates, and 4 dogs. Evenly divided with men and women, I helped the prisoners work the dogs and practice the commands. Sergeant Harris even took me to see the woman’s dormitory.
It was an interesting experience. It's definately run like a boot camp, but all the prisoners were quite respectful (ma'am, yes, ma'am!). There was some confusion with one of the guards, apparently, he thought I was in High School (good, grief!! I'm a grown-up damn it!!). I was not allowed to take pictures in the prison, but here’s pictures of two of the dogs, Tash (black lab) and Solis (golden mix).

After a morning of puppy class at the prison, we had dinner at Kee, my favorite restaurant in Palm Beach!
Here’s Grandpa, happy to have his scotch (Johnny Walker Black, easy on the rocks--can any one find any ice in his glass? I sure can't!).

Gram with her coffee.

Me and the Grandparents.
The trip was short this time, but it was nice to see everyone!
Jack rules! I love him!
"I love scotch!
I love scotch!
Scotchy, scotch, scotch!"
- Ron Burgundy
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