Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Making a Point
A pair of boys walked up to the front of the classroom to give their presentation. One of the boys whips out a broken off radio antenna, opens it up and begins to use it as a pointer! I asked the student "Did you just happen to have that in your pocket?"
He responded with the tone of DUH, "No. He did." and gesturing to his partner. He continued using the pointer through out his presentation using the broken antenna to point out how the art works were similar. I was dying!! It was so hilarious!
And the best part...it's all on video.
Box of Joy--Day 7
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Not again!
Ugh. I just know I'm going to get picked again...damn my innocent aura and wholesome face!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Box of Joy--Day 5

Mmmm...sushi. The perfect blend of carbs and protein for a pre-race dinner. Who says you need pasta? I'm also excited that the set is dishwasher safe...I know. Sometimes, I'm weird like that.
Thanks, Super Julia (and Tina and JoAn) for cheering me up after my craptastic day. Cake and facials DO make things better!
Sticky Situation
When I got to work, I reached for the paper mache and got a handful of warm stickiness. The lid had popped off of the container and gotten all over my leather seats. I was thinking it wasn't that bad...I could just wipe it up. I went in the school to get some paper towels so that I could clean it.
As I was wiping up the spill, I picked up the container...what originally looked like a few ounces turned out to be almost half the container. My binder for my boards, that the paper mache was sitting upon is completely stuck together. Awesome. I wonder if I can send it in and get credit for it as an art project?
Then I slid the seat forward. Thank God for floor mats because there was a layer of of paper mache under the seats several inches thick. I dumped it off in the parking lot, leaving what looked like a pile of puke. After I scrubbed the remaining puddles, I carried in the floor mat (also looking like a vomitious mess). Glen, our engineer, used the water shower for cleaning and sprayed it down for me.
I think I got most of the mess...at least I hope I did. I really don't want to head out to the car later and have it smell like rancid paper mache. I currently am working on drying my binder for the boards, and cleaning the paper mache from my shoes, clothes and hair. Ugh! What a fantastic way to start the day. :(
Does anyone know of a place that does a good job of cleaning car upholstery?
Monday, February 23, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Box of Joy--Day 3
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
A Mysterious Package

I opened the note and found that Super Julia had left me a "Box of Joy". I've never had any one leave me a Box of Joy before! According to the instructions I am to:
1) Receive Joy Box (whew! I got the first one right with out even trying!)
2) Open Box and read instructions (Two for two! Woo-hoo!)
3) The day after receiving the Joy box, open one gift a day in the order they are numbered.
I think the hardest part is being patient, but I will survive. Fortunately, tomorrow isn't very far away! I'll keep you updated as to the contents of the Box of Joy. Looks like I'll have something to post about for the next two weeks (maybe that was all part of the Super Julia's plan...she was tired of my lack of blogging due to me working on my Boards!).
Thank you, Super Julia!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
On the Road Again
But in true Auto Show form I HAD to see my favorites...The 2009 Mustang, in a beautiful cheery red. (I seem to have forgotten why I need a bigger car that won't get stuck in the snow...)
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
There's such a thing as too much sugar.
For example, one of my 4th graders seemed to have escaped from his substitute teacher. I was standing in front of the classroom teaching the rest of his class. I glanced over to see the student through the window. He was standing there with a pencil shoved up his nose, licking the window.
This is why I am a proponent of the aerial spraying of Ritalin. Thank God we have a long weekend.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Who Took My Cheese?
What the crap!? I mean, it's half the product!! And let's face it, the cheese is the best part of the whole thing. While I could easily make due, it's not the point...I want my cheese!