Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Tales III

So… I have lunchroom duty. I was making sure that the kids were in the lunch line and not horsing around too much. I was motioning with my arms for the kids to get in line and one of the students licked my bare arm!!


I asked him, “Did you just LICK my arm?!”

All he did was look at me, walk over, take my arm in his hand and wipe the slobber with the sleeve of his shirt.

And kids think teachers are weird?


Anonymous said...

What level do you teach? I'm an art teacher as well, in Miami.
Your stories are funny and familiar (gotta LOVE parents. . .)
I had one lovely specimen two years ago that thought there was a schoolwide (and eventually district wide) conspiracy to fail her I-come-to-school-only-for-the-free-air-conditioning-and-lunch-son. Sad, and amazing, all at the same time.

Bethie said...

I'm on a Secondary Certificate, but I teach 5th through 8th grades. I really wish I was back in High School. I never had a student lick my arm at that level...