Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Gettin' My Sufferage On!

I headed to the polls before work this morning to exercise my 19th Amendment rights, and I was surprised that there was absolutely no lines!

I walked in to the high school using the front door and headed through the school to the gym area to the polling place. The direction from where I came had me walking in behind the election judges. As I walked over, one of the judges said to me "What time does school start?"

I gave her a funny look and replied "About an hour, why do you ask?"

To which she responded, "Is your locker over here?"

I laughed as I told her, "No, I'm not a student--I'm here to vote!!"

She was embarrassed and apologized as she directed me to the precinct room. I told her my age and she told me that I looked great--I can't believe that she actually thought I could be in high school!! LOL!

1 comment:

Cameron said...

Must be the marathon and triathlon training and not to mention the Oil of Olay!