Monday, March 10, 2008


Victoria tagged me on her here it goes!

10 years ago:
Spring of freshman year of college at Augustana... That means pledging, I probably had a sinus infection as I do right now (blah!!) I’m thinking it was around Pig Roast time.

5 Things on my to-do list today:
Put my staple gun in my bag for work
Lesson Plans
Go to the gym
Do a load of laundry
Go to bed early, I still feel like crap!

5 Snacks I enjoy:
Cadburys Cream Eggs, Roasted Peeps and Jelly Bellys (it’s close to Easter, you know!)
Chips and Guac/Salsa
The Potato in any form
Beer (totally a snack...that's what I "snack" on during football games!)
Any fruit (yep, that's more than 5...get over it!)

What I would do if I were suddenly made a billionaire:
Pay off bills and debts
Try to buy the Chicago Bears (If nothing else, I’d get my season tickets!!) and the Chicago Cubs (don’t worry, it would still be Wrigley Field!)
Help some people out
Donate (church, former schools, charity)
Have the most kick ass art room in CPS
Buy my dream house on LSD

3 of my bad habits:
I’m messy
I’m excessively hard on myself.
I’m insanely sarcastic.

Places I have lived:
Chicago, IL
Rock Island, IL
Milan, IL
Munich, Germany
Paris, France
London, England

Jobs that I have had:
Switchboard Operator
Office Assistant
Art Tutor
Retail—Things Remembered
Mail Room Clerk
Psychiatric Rehab Research Assistant
Art Teacher

5 Things people don't know about me:
I’m too chicken to try to sell my art.
I once climbed to the top of my refrigerator when I was a toddler. My mom found me sitting up there eating cookies.
My socks and underwear drawers are organized by type (ie running socks, athletic socks and dress socks…)
I have 25% smaller lungs than I should have for someone my height and weight.
I have no idea how to do my taxes.

And I tag Deanna, Ben and Julia! You’re it!

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