Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Gym Annoyaces

Went to the gym pretty late today. It was irritating.

Things that piss me off at the gym:

1. It turns into a meat market between the hours of 7 and 10 pm.

2. People who talk on their cell phones loudly on the machines. (I don't really care how "like, how totally wasted" you were or how "completely ass ugly" the guy you woke up next to was. If I wanted that info, I'd watch Jerry Springer.)

3. People who don't understand my "Fuck off" face. I'm at the gym. I'm there for one reason--to work out. Not to hit on people or get picked up. Unless you have legitimate question, do not talk to me. Learn the "Fuck off" face, and follow it!

4. People who are on machines on either side of you who hold conversations through you as if you're not there. (Seriously, either ask her out, or tell him he's not getting any--I don't care the outcome and I also don't want to be the literal center of the conversation!)

5. People who stare at my ass while I'm working out. (Yes, I have one--no it doesn't like to be ogled...get a magazine!!!--thank goodness for my super-industrial Oprah sports bra!)

6. Women who prance around the locker room either naked or in thongs. (Call me a prude, but why do you need to blow dry your hair at the sinks naked? And, do you really need to actually bend over for that extra volume while you're naked? Or sit on the counter to talk on your cell phone? You're not at home!!)

7. People who wear too much perfume/cologne. It's a gym, you're there to sweat. You're not fooling anyone.

8. People who sweat on the machines and don't wipe them down. I know you're there to sweat--I get that, but get a paper towel and wipe down your machine!! ICK!

9. Prissy mascara happy make-up queens and scary 'roid freaks. Ok, so this one isn't unique to the gym. But I still don't like 'em!!

10. People who drop weights or grunt like mad when they lift. Being a drama queen will not increase your maximum lifting ability. I understand that this is bound to happen, but when your workout starts to resemble the sound track of porn, you may want to think about cutting back a few pounds--just a couple. It won't hurt ya, I promise.

I really don't think I'm being excessively crabby about this (except for maybe number 9). I really think these things should fall under the category of 'common courtesy'. Come on, people!!


Anonymous said...

I assume when you list naked as annoyance, you dont mean in the shower or changing into or from a towel before or after a shower? Assuming this is the case, you are right on with all 10 points. You go girl!

pinknest said...

i just got back from the gym. i enjoy the fact that my gym is predominantly gay. yay!

Who, me? said...

#8 and #10 - drives me nuts at my gym!!!

Victoria said...

I concur with all of the above... which is why I always try and go before 7!!!

Meg said...

My prenatal aerobics class takes place at the same time as the senior water walking group. Imagine how much worse #6 is when everyone in the locker room is over 75. For old ladies, they really are very comfortable with their bodies...I've also learned a lot about the love lives of Naperville's senior citizens.

Anonymous said...

eeewww eeewww eeewww @ Naperville Senior Citizens.

Bethie said...

Angela--To clarify, there is understandable nakedness. What you mentioned would be accpetable...I'm not a complete naked nazi!

Pink--I need to go to your gym!

Mused and Victoria--I'm glad it's not just me!


Dave--Do you now need therapy?