So, I haven’t posted in a while, so I feel the need to oblige you with another episode of the Frog Chronicles.
I met this guy, we’ll call him John*, out at a bar, (I know, stop meeting men at bars! I get it!!). Anywho, we had some good conversation, and I gave him my number. It was a standard meeting…nothing out of the ordinary. John called later and asked me out for a date. He really didn’t say much about where we’d be going. He picked me up and things seemed to going ok on the ride.
Until John pulled up to a church.
Now, I don’t want to come across as anti-God or anti-religion or anything like that…BUT WHO TAKES SOMEONE TO A CHURCH ON A FIRST DATE?!?!! It wasn’t even for something like bingo, or volunteering or anything like that, it was for an actual service! And if that wasn’t weird enough, he introduced me to HIS MOTHER!!
There are so many things wrong with this situation that I don’t think I’ll even get them all! Sure, parents have always liked me, but I don’t want to meet them in a church on the very first date!! Further more, communion does not count as dinner and drinks. There was no warning either--I have never literally prayed so hard for a date to be over!
*As usual the names have been changed.