Thursday, April 5, 2007

Book Crossing

I was surfing the internet and I stumbled upon this site about "Bookcrossing". This site describes bookcrossing as "the practice of leaving a book in a public place to be picked up and read by others, who then do likewise."

It's such an interesting concept. First of all, I simply cannot throw books away. And this is way more fun than just donating them to a thrift store. Secondly, it makes me wonder about who finds the books. It plays in to the whole notion of fate. I leave a book somewhere...the thought that the person who picks it up was meant to find it is awesome!

I haven't yet caught a book set out in the wild, but I'm looking! I've released a few books already, maybe you'll catch one--Happy Hunting!


Anonymous said...

What a groovy idea!

Anonymous said...

I have been BookCrossing for quite some time and I LOVE IT. Its great to "release them into the wild" at local coffee shops, airports, really anywhere there is a lot of people congretating around and then watch them pick them up! Plus you get notified by email everytime someone "catches" them and logs them in. Its very altruistic and sortof like Ernest Hemingway(pick your favorite author) meets message in a bottle! Plus folks are getting together monthly in person to swap books. Its very fun.