Check out the hula girl with the light up boobies! Too funny!
Can you find the lamp from movie “The Christmas Story”?
Such a cute little stage!
Ben, Meg, and Erin wait for the show to begin.
On the way out is when disaster strikes! We went out to where we parked and the car was gone!! We thought the car was stolen—what a horrible feeling! We found another man wandering around looking for his car and found that it had been towed!
We called the towing company, and they did have the car. One of Erin’s friends was able to come and pick us up to take us back to Meg and Bens. I decided that leaving my coat in the car was a bad choice. It was so cold we waited in the Paramout Theater for warmth.
While we were waiting, I discovered an old lady pair of glasses and was messing around pretending to be “Flo” and taking tickets. The paper that I picked up to be at ticket, was even funnier than my imitation of Flo—
Erin’s friend Phil picked us up and took us to Meg and Ben’s. On the walk up to the house, I didn’t realize that I had a Best Buy bag stuck to my butt.! So embarrassing! What’s worse, is that Phil called Erin a few minutes later to say that he needed the bag back because his receipt was still in it and he needed to return something—Embarrassing, but hilarious!
1 comment:
Okay... I read your post and cracked up... I used to go to the Paramount all the time, know the little theater you went to, and know the scary impound in Batavia (since I grew up in Batavia)... too funny!
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