Sunday, November 12, 2006

Probably not what Ram Jam had in mind…

I had some time to kill yesterday between my study group meeting for class and heading to Meg’s house for dinner. I was wandering in and out of some stores and I stumbled upon a new product: Betty Beauty’s Hair Dye .

What’s so blog worthy about this hair dye? I’m so glad you asked.

This no drip dye comes in 5 colors, Auburn Betty, Black Betty (it’s ok, sing it! you know I am), Blonde Betty, Brown Betty and Fun Betty (Pink). What caught my eye was the Black Betty, for obvious reasons. Upon further inspection I discovered that this hair dye is not for your head.

That’s right folks! This is a semi-permanent dye for the hair on your nether region. The creator was in Rome and discovered that when women got their hair colored, they were given a “doggie” bag…for “the hair down there”. Seeing the untapped market, Betty Beauty was born.

Whether it’s covering gray (a la Samantha in Sex and the City) or just a dyed to match look, your prayers have been answered. If any one tries this product, I’d be interested in hearing the testimonial!

Is yours?


molly said...

i read about this stuff in nylon magazine! they say that "hair down there" is back in. i'm not so sure about that. i will continue to go to my crazy russina waxing lady!

Anonymous said...

You certainly aren't making it easy for a guy to comment on your blog. What can I even say about that??

[one vote for fun betty]

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I can't help myself.

Brown Betty | Blonde Betty | Fun Betty

= Neopolitan Betty!

Matt Brand said...

I wouldn't want that stuff near my sugar donut. Even though I don't have one.

Anonymous said...

They talked about that stuff on the radio down here in Kansas City the other week... talked to the inventor and everything. I guess that've been doing that over in Europe (Italy mainly, go figure) for years!