Any who, I wanted to check this place out myself. I actually wasn't thinking the visit was blog worthy until I discovered this sign--

I was unaware that Corn dogs were a sub category to appetizers!
After this pic, I just snapped away at a few other things that amused me.
This next one was snapped because it grossed me out!
Pickled Turkey Gizzards?!?! EW!! Who eats that?!?! NASTY!!
After I downloaded it to my computer, I noticed the product next to the Pickled Turkey Gizzards...(Check out the bottom left corner of the pic) "Sex Olives"? I didn't even notice them! I'm now thinking I need to pick up a jar of those for a very sexy martini!
Here's the Buffalo bin!!
The search is over!! Yeah yummy Buffalo Salami!!

I also found a great ethnic food isle, as well as a few other random things. This store seems to have everything!! I definitely have more exploring to do!
An aisle devoted to corndogs!? Sounds like my kind of place.
Wow Bethie. I actually live in Wisconsin, and I have to say you are WAY more of a true cheesehead than I've become. Way to go! You've managed to combine two cultures...Chicago and Northwoods Wisconsin! :-)
now i miss cheese curds! you could get them when you drove on 94 (or was it 294) up to wisconson, near that porn shop. ahhhh, the memories!
They had MARS on HGTV to today..I sure could use some curds
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