Thursday, October 20, 2005

Purgatory in Chicago

Well, I hate to give excuses for not blogging, but I’ve had the joy of providing a civil service to the county. That’s right—Jury Duty. Not only did I have to show up for the obligatory day in purgatory (i.e. the jury room in the Daley Center) but I was also chosen to sit on an actual jury. I know, you all wish you were me.

Since I can’t really talk about the case until the conclusion of the trial, I will share some experiences that do not pertain to the case.

First of all, upon receiving your jury summons (and you finish swearing about it), you inform your employer. In my case it was the secretary in my school, who laughed at me.

Here’s a synopsis of my first day as a juror. (And by the way, this was Monday…it’s Thursday and the trial continues on…Me bitter? Nooo!)

Once you travel downtown (which in my case is by the el—thank God I don’t have to pay for parking!), you are herded into the jury selection room with a couple hundred other poor saps who also got the summons.

8:30-- the appointed time, they are slowly checking people in to the room.

8:45 am--a man who works there reiterates the instructions to keep your Juror sticker on and stay on your side of the room and wait for your panel to be called. (Duh!)

8:50am--A video is shown on what to expect while you are here serving. (Our tax dollars at work ladies and gentlemen!)

8:55—Man down the table starts hitting on another potential juror. (FYI—video is still rolling)

9:10—Video is over.

9:35—I happen to be on the first panel called, so I get to leave.

I’m taken to a court room for jury selection. My panel is questioned and four are selected…and three (including me) are asked to return after lunch. Apparently, I’m a back-up choice. The second panel that was called with me goes through the same line of questions. More jurors are chosen. Two of the three of us are told we are to report back in the court room tomorrow.

That’s about all I can tell you about now…not allowed to discuss the case, but when I can—I definitely have a thing or two to say!

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