Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Does Cleveland Really Rock?

Does Cleveland rock? I’m not sure that it does. This past weekend, I partook in a road trip to Ohio. I was so excited to head to a Bears game (I know, we completely blew the game) and see the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the NFL Hall of Fame. I had an awesome time with the people I went with but my general impressions of the state are not so good. There's really not all that much to do...sure the foliage is pretty, but there's not too much else.

First of all it was rainy and cold. Many of you know my issues with cold weather. 50 degrees and wet is not a good combo.

Second of all the Bears lost. If that wasn’t enough to sour my mood, there’s more! To top it off, Cleveland fans are down right mean. I know I’m technically the “bad guy” in their stadium, but much of the taunting went too far. There is absolutely no reason to take a water bottle out of my hand and taunt me with it. This guy actually waved it in my face and tried to play keep away like a middle schooler! Then his buddies had me pinned in place so I couldn’t move. Where was security you may ask? Standing five feet away pretending to ignore the situation. Then another fan, threatened to hit me because in the brief moment that I was in his way while walking past his seat to get to my own, I stopped to look at the field. I informed him that you shouldn’t hit women and that it certainly gave Browns fans the reputations of being women batterers. There was some light taunting, for example, I was wearing my Butkus jersey…some guy told me he sucked., so I rattled off some stats about him (HOF class of ’79…ect.). I can’t decide if the stats shut him up or the fact that it was a chick spouting them off! Even on the way out…with the Browns win, there was even more verbal abuse leaving the stadium. I definitely did not have a good impression of Cleveland Browns fans. (Don’t get me started on the Bears performance!)

The Rock and Roll hall of fame is pretty cool. I’m not sure it was worth the $20 admission, but I’m glad I saw it. I’m sure that if you took the time to read all the placards, it would take you more than half a day. I LOVED all the costumes. I can’t believe that some of these rockers are so tiny! I swear I could put Mick Jaeger in my pocket! The teenie-bopper in me is also exited to report that I saw Tiffany’s denim jacked that she wore in the “I Think We’re Alone Now” video! (I think I need that song for my iPod…I know I have it on tape somewhere…)

We did drive past the new site of the RV/MH Hall if fame in Elkhart, IN. If you’re interested, it’s along the I80/90 Toll Road. The ground was broke in August 2, 2005. FYI, the website states that “$6.5 million the amount provided by donors to preserve the history and heritage of the Recreation Vehicle and Manufactured Housing industries and to honor the individuals who built the industries”. There is an older facility open, and I don’t know when the new one will be open. I think that some have too much time on their hands. Is it just me or is this completely random? I wonder who goes to the RV/MH Hall of Fame. Who is honored? What is the criterion? For more info visit the site: http://rv-mh-hall-of-fame.org/ (I swear it’s not a joke!)

I also saw the NFL Hall of Fame. (SIGH!) Much smaller than I imagined, but still fun! We decided that Walter Payton’s bust didn’t look much like him. We also thought that Mike Ditka looked way to happy. I remember him raving on the sidelines, players lived in fear of getting a clipboard shoved up their asses if they didn’t play well. Ditka’s bust just looked happy and jovial. I also saw Papa Bear and Bukus (I blew him a kiss!). One improvement I would like to suggest…the “concession stand”. It was like eating at a high school concession stand! I think they should have themed food based on the home towns of the teams. For example: Chicago would have deep dish pizza, Green Bay would have cheese and brats, Houston would have chili, Philadelphia would have cheese steak sandwiches, ect. Or they could name the food after the inductees, examples: Halas Hotdog, Butkus Brat, ect. I think that would be way more fun.

I now have to put this next one in for Dave. We ate at a totally awesome diner in Independence, OH, The Park City Diner. Dave, if you’re on a road trip to that area, I would highly recommend it. The food was awesome, the staff was supper friendly and there is no saganaki on the menu!

On another food note...Hoggies is FRIGGIN' AWESOME!! The amount of food for the price is fabulous and to top it off, all the food is made in house and is positively orgasmic. (Yeah, it's that good.) I had the salad and choose two sides and and I was stuffed beyond reason. Big thumbs up for Hoggies.

While it had it’s down sides…This trip was a good time. If I don’t make life an adventure, I’m just gonna get bored! I haven’t done a random road trip in a while, so I’m glad that I went. I’m not sure where my next one will be…Graceland?...The worlds largest ball of Twine?...Just grab the map and go?... who knows!


Anonymous said...

I've been to Cleveland a few times. It never rocked for me!

Anonymous said...

That sounds like quite a Diner! While Cleveland doesn't, Road Trips Rock! Man do I miss road trips. New Mexico as a bunch of random stuff you'd like. If you go to California by way of Roswell, there are TONS of interesting things to see.

I don't know why you're hatin' on RVs. You know you want one. It's the Ultimate road trip vehicle. Can you say Tailgating??

Ease up on the football stats... makin me feel kinda funny... like when you climb the rope in gym class. haha

Anonymous said...

That sounds like quite a Diner! While Cleveland doesn't, Road Trips Rock! Man do I miss road trips. New Mexico as a bunch of random stuff you'd like. If you go to California by way of Roswell, there are TONS of interesting things to see.

I don't know why you're hatin' on RVs. You know you want one. It's the Ultimate road trip vehicle. Can you say Tailgating??

Ease up on the football stats... makin me feel kinda funny... like when you climb the rope in gym class. haha