Friday, September 30, 2005

Malfunctions, and iPods, and Man Boobs…Oh, My!

First of all I’m sorry I haven’t blogged in a while. I’ve been having technical difficulties…that, unfortunately, have not been fully resolved. The problem? Every time I try to open any website in AOL, a warning for low memory and hard drive space pops up with the suggestion to close one or more windows.

Well, bite me. The only window I have open is AOL and I have plenty of hard drive space, thank-you-very-much.

I have no idea what to do. The all-knowing Dave had checked my computer and has given it a clean bill of health. So, I got nothing. I’d love any suggestion that I haven’t tried, ‘cuz this blows. :( (See, Dave, it’s not a joke! It’s posted for the world to see!). As a result, the limited internet keeps it difficult for me to blog.

On a brighter note…I got an iPod!! I’m so excited! I’ve been wanting one forever! For those of you who have been following, I did get the 20GB. Let’s face it, do I really need 15,000 random songs at a moments notice? Probably not. I figure I can use about 5 GBs, and by the time I completely load it up, something smaller/faster/cooler will come along, and even if it does get filled I can always manage the music on the play lists. I’m sure once I’m well versed in how to use the iPod, I’ll have more to say about it.

One other random thing I’d like to rant about… Why is it that when you see naked people in public it’s never the ones who should be naked?

I was leaving one a diner after picking up my laptop from Dave and there in the parking lot was a large older gentleman (read Chris Farley size but 30 years older with bigger man boobs—I mean he had bigger boobs than me!!) standing in the parking lot with out his shirt.

EW!! What makes it necessary for someone to change clothes in a diner parking lot?!?!?!

Is it all that difficult to either:
a) change in your SUV or
b) use the diner restroom?
I think not.

This isn’t the first time I’ve had issues with naked folk. When I was studying on foreign term, I accidentally ended up at a nude beach. I didn’t know it was a nude beach until I got there, I’m no rocket scientist, but I figured it out rather quickly. Now don’t get too excited, I didn’t get naked. I’m just not that kind of girl! :) I did what every self-conscious, red-blooded, American would do: I found the fattest, ugliest, woman (who shouldn’t have been naked in the first place) at the beach and laid down right next to her.

Hey, don’t judge me! You know you’d do the same!

I don’t think that I’m a prude, I just don’t get most cases of public nakedness. It’s like in college, I wonder why guys streak in the winter. Isn’t there shrinkage issues? Wouldn’t the effects of cold be bad for your reputation?

Sure, sometimes nakedness is fun. Random flashings, high quality streakers, the Abercrombie and Fitch catalog… there’s a time and a place for nakedness. Sometimes, it’s just not a good thing. And if you disagree, all I have to say is that both Dave and I were thankful that we hadn’t eaten dinner.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Apples and Oranges

I am not in denial. I can admit it. I am not technological in anyway shape or form. So, it makes sense that when I plan to make a major electronics purchase, I really try to research it as much as possible. Unfortunately this time, it backfired.

I wanted an iPod. I settled on the iPod 30, but I decided to wait until after my birthday. What happened that very weekend that has me still not owing an iPod? The fact that Apple up and yanked all the mini’s off the shelves and came out with the new “Nano”. Not that I have anything to say about the Nano. It looks sleek and the fact that it comes in black is appealing. But I don’t want a Nano. I want something that will hold more songs.

I could just get the 20GB or the 60GB, but which one would be the best? Is Apple going to come out with a re-designed 20 or 60 without warning? Is a 20GB enough? Is a 60 GB too much? What do I do?!?!

I know that the iPod, as with any other product will be obsolete in a year…some thing better or smaller will come out. But for now…what’s an un-technological girl to do?
Any suggestions?

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Forecast? Warm and Sunny!

Well, I’m back, thanks to Dr. Dave! Yeah for people with more technological skills than I! (check out his blog at Unfortunately, my AOL is still not working, but at least my computer is cootie free.

In the time since my last postings I’ve had a birthday. And while I don’t care to discuss my age, I will give an enthusiastic “Happy Birthday to ME!” J I have to mention one of the best gifts I received. While I don’t want to sound ungrateful for any of the others, this one item had me almost in tears.

Any guesses as to what it was?

The one thing I was most excited about? Chris, my so awesome boyfriend, got me an autographed picture of none other than Tom Skilling!

For those of you who are not Chicago natives or active watchers of WGN news at noon and nine, Tom Skilling is WGN’s chief meteorologist. For more info check out:,0,1377504.story?coll=wgntv-weather-subnav

I totally have non-sexual crush on him.

What is a non-sexual crush you may ask? Well, you know what a regular, run of the mill sexual crush is, right? Well, I guess the non-sexual one is the same thing except you’re just not attracted to the person. You know you have one. (Come on, comment! Share!! Tell us who it is!)

So, I can continue by saying: I LOVE TOM SKILLING!!

Seriously, I was totally geekin’ out when I opened the present. I saw the back of the picture frame (yes, Chris was sweet enough and supportive of my obsession to frame it for me) and when I flipped it over, I went nuts! You would have thought I was a pre-pubescent girl at a Backstreet Boys concert. Tom actually personalized it! Tom knows that I have a birthday in September!! I was practically crying I was so exited!!! Sadly, I have to report, I was not permitted to take Tom out to the bar that night.

Why do I love Tom Skilling so much? I have no idea. Maybe because he’s just a cute old man. Possibly because it’s clear that he truly loves his job and seems to be excited about isobars and front lines. Maybe because he’s been doing the weather at WGN since before I was born. Whatever the reason, Tom Skilling totally rocks! And now, I have a lovely framed, autographed picture of my favorite weather person and official non-sexual crush of my very own! (ah, bliss!)

Tuesday, September 6, 2005


So, I haven’t posted in a while. Why you may ask? My computer’s sick :(

That’s right. Some virus has disabled my anti-virus software and attacked my AOL. It’s all very annoying. As a result…my posts won’t be very frequent.

Here’s hoping that Dave is magical and can fix my lil’ lap top. (Please, Dave?)

Until then…miss ya!