I have gotten yet another crack at jury duty. And yes, because it's me I've been selected to be a juror. I'm stuck on this thing until at least next Monday. And while I'm not allowed to discuss the case, I will have a lovely blog detailing any events after the fact.
But for today I'd like to highlight some suggestions in ways the state could make jury duty a little better.
1) Access to a treadmill or other work out equipment. You really expect me to sit still for 8 hours and listen? Damn near impossible. I can watch TV at the gym while I run on the treadmill, why can't I run and listen to the testimony?
2) A COMFORTABLE place to sit. Those chairs suck. How about a lounger, or at least something more ergonomic!
3) Payment above slave wages. I did the math. The $17.20 check broken down to a 7 hour day (not getting paid for lunch hour) is $2.45 an hour. Total crap. Isn't there a national minimum wage?
4) Hours comparable to my regular work day. Teachers generally don't have to stay at work until 5:00pm. Granted, I'm probably going to get some scorn from those who don't have the same hours, but I'll remind you that teachers do more work in their off hours than in other professions.
5) Knowing that for every day that you actually have to sit on a jury, you get 2 years where you won't be summoned. So, in this case, I'll be on a jury until at least next Monday. With this equation, I wouldn't have to be called again for 12 years. And if this equation was true, I wouldn't be in this situation now...I'd still have time from the last time I served. That seems much more fair to me since I can think of tons of people I know that have never been called.
6) Raffle off prizes. I'm sure business could donate, sports tickets, spa treatments, gift certificates,
ect. If I knew there was a chance to win me some Bears tickets...I think I'd be serving a little more cheerfully.
I'm sure over the course of the next week, I'll be coming up with more helpful suggestions, until then I will be sitting in the jury box.