Friday, March 27, 2009


Finally...the bane of my existence for the last several months...Completed, packed and mailed. I can't remember the last time I was so happy to ship something!! That little blue box contains my National Boards Portfolio; it's part of the process to become a National Board Certified teacher. It's taken up waaaaay too much time and the reason I've had almost no life (and the reason I haven't been bogging much!).

Here's Laura at FedEx, shipping her portfolio... And I am just as happy to see mine go, too! Next up, the comprehensive exam in May....followed by waiting until November to hear the worries, dear readers, I'm sure you'll hear the news when I do! :)


SuperJuls said...


Way to go!!!

You're awesome!!!

Who, me? said...


What are the benefits of being NB Certified? More pay?