Friday, February 20, 2009

A Mysterious Package

Today, when I got home I found a package between my doors. I thought to myself "That's odd. I left after 6:30 pm, and that's awfully late for the UPS guy to stop by."

I looked at the brown paper wrapped package and saw "To: Super Bethie From: Super Julia"
How exciting!! I love packages! (more than I love sandwiches--and you know how much I love a good sandwich, but I digress.) I'm very blessed to say Super Juila is my very own, personal Superhero. If you haven't your own Superhero, you really ought to find one. Anywho, I carefully tore open the brown paper and found this...

I opened the note and found that Super Julia had left me a "Box of Joy". I've never had any one leave me a Box of Joy before! According to the instructions I am to:

1) Receive Joy Box (whew! I got the first one right with out even trying!)

2) Open Box and read instructions (Two for two! Woo-hoo!)

3) The day after receiving the Joy box, open one gift a day in the order they are numbered.

I think the hardest part is being patient, but I will survive. Fortunately, tomorrow isn't very far away! I'll keep you updated as to the contents of the Box of Joy. Looks like I'll have something to post about for the next two weeks (maybe that was all part of the Super Julia's plan...she was tired of my lack of blogging due to me working on my Boards!).

Thank you, Super Julia!


SuperJuls said...


My motivation honestly wasn't your lack of blogging...but it does stem from the stress of boards! Figured it would be nice to have some "fun mail" (even if I didn't technically send it through the mail)

Bethie said...

Thanks! You're the best!! I *heart* you!

Anonymous said...

SuperJuls is the greatest!