Yeah!! I'm officially a Triathlete!

Today I finished my first triathlon, the US Women's Triathlon Series, in Naperville. I did the race with my friend Elaine.

We are both marathoners, and this was our first trathlon. The start of the race was delayed an hour due to lightning and thunder. Here's us waiting for the swim to start...

So ready to go!!

I did the 1/2 mile swim in 15:23...I'm so proud of that since I just learned to swim in February. I learned in the bike portion that I need to tuck my shoelaces into my shoes! My lace got caught in the chain...I was hoping on one foot, almost like a dog peeing on the fire hydrant!

I liked the run, but could have done the transitions better(both of them). I also didn't like that there were no clocks on the course. I think I could have run better if I had taken the time to put on my watch.I really had no concept of time for this race. I am happy that I felt stronger as the race progressed. That's a great feeling...when others are dying and I'm happily going along slower, but steady.
Triathlons also require so much more crap than running. Elain ended up getting this huge back pack to store all her stuff, she looked like a little turtle trying to carry cute.
My over all time was being an 1 hour 54 minutes...and I'm happy to say I didn't drown! Danskin, here I come!
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