Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Death is not an Option

Recently I posted about things that irritate me at the gym. Today, two of my favorites had an interesting interaction. Naked Hair Drier (who, today, was wearing underwear, so let's go with Semi-Naked Hair Drier) was flipping her hair about drying her hair and Loud Cell Phone talker (also in her underwear) was screaming at the top of her lungs in Polish at someone on the other line. She proceeds to start yelling at Semi-Naked Hair Drier (still in Polish) for only what I can assume was for her to stop drying her hair so that she could continue to converse.

This scene amused me to no end and probably turned me in to the weird girl who laughs randomly, but I digress. It reminded me of a game I used to play in college. My Sophomore year, I took Brain and Behavior with Barb. While this class was usually pretty interesting, there were just some lectures that dragged (generally the ones not about drugs or alcohol). As a result, Barb and I would play "Death is not an Option". It was based on the principle (learned in that very class) that when given a choice, you always do have a preference. Even if you think you can't decide, your brain really can make a decision (think Phoebe in friends playing the choice game with Joey). Anywho, Barb and I would spend our classes passing a paper back and forth pitting two random frat boys on campus against each other and forcing a choice between the two as to with whom we'd rather shack--and as the name implies--choosing death was not an option. (Don't judge, you know you're gonna play it!!) More often than not, the choices were not pretty in any way, shape or form. (Side bar--Barb, remember when we put the ambiguously gay duo as the two options?)

This game made me think, given the two gym annoyances (the Semi-Naked Hair Drier and the Talk Loudly on Her Cell Phone in her Underwear girls) who was the worse option? For me the Talk Loudly on Her Cell Phone girl seemed to be the more obnoxious of the two. Why naked hair drying in a semi-public place is more acceptable in my mind, I'll never know...but given the choice, I'll deal with her any day!


Anonymous said...

Death is not an option: Ace.... or Gary......

pinknest said...

hahaha...i don't understand the need to dry one's hair while naked. i see it all the time at my gym, too.