Thursday, June 4, 2009

Urping Froggies

I was having drinks with Eric* when all of a sudden he got up and excused himself from the bar. It was kind of weird, but ya know...sometimes things happen. He came back and said he wasn't feeling very well. I told him that if he needed to go, that was ok. But he sat back down and continued to talk.

Not even a beer had gone by, and he got up again. He came back saying that he thought he had the stomach flu (EW!) and that he needed to go. It better be the stomach flu, because the thought that I make men vomit doesn't make me happy.

We left the bar and he put out his arms for a hug. Now, generally, I'm a hugger. However, I just met this guy and clearly he was ill. I do understand that when you're not feeling well, a hug is nice. So I compromised. I did the "pat, no body contact" kinda hug.

And then it happened. He leaned in for a kiss. UGH!! Seriously!! YOU WERE THROWING UP!! NO KISSY-KISSY!! That's just nasty! And then, he acted all offended when I didn't want to kiss him. HELLO!!! I don't want your puke-tastic germs! What is this guy thinking?

**blah, blah, blah--yeah I changed the name!

1 comment:

Deanna said...

Maybe he just had it coming out of the "other" end in the bathroom?

So are you going to see him again?