I was in Greek Town, getting Melissa some dinner from Mr. Greek. She had been sick (and still is) and I offered to pick her up some dinner. I wasn't really hungry, so I just ordered a milkshake and some fruit for myself. They put the two drinks (my milkshake and Melissa's Diet Pepsi) in a drink carrier.
As I was walking to the car, this
homeless guy (who had asked me for change as I walked into Mr. Greek), ran up and snatched my milkshake from the carrier and took off!
I stood there, on Jackson Ave. looking bewildered thinking "Seriously?! Was I just mugged for a milkshake?! Really? Am being
He clearly wasn't even going for my purse. It was on the
other side of me, securely under my arm. This guy was going for the food. I couldn't believe it! And it's not like I was going to chase him down. I mean, he's homeless. He probably needed it more than I did. Besides, could you imagine explaining that one to the police:
"Ma'am, Why were you beating this man?"
"Because he stole my milkshake."
"You're beating a homeless guy over a milkshake?"
See my point? And I don't think "Well, it
was chocolate!" would be
considered a valid defense.
It's too crazy! If he had asked for it, I would have just given it to him.
Fortunately, I wasn't hurt (aside for spilling a little Diet Pepsi on my arm), and my purse wasn't taken. So, once I got over the fact that I was with out a milkshake (just fruit isn't the same), I thought the whole thing was pretty funny.