My Grandfather passed away this morning.
I hope you'll all indulge me as I share some memories and stories:
I know that "Mr. Fairbrother" will be remembered in the neighborhood as the man who used to walk the dogs (Great Danes) by shutting the dog's leash in the car door, and driving slowly down the street, having the dog trot along beside. He used to simply hook the loop of the leash over the side view mirror until one of the dogs decided that he was done walking and just sat down in the street, ripping the mirror from the car.
I am proud that he gave service to our country during World War II in the United States Marine Corps. I will always appreciate that he told me his stories about the war and Iwo Jima. While he was always reminiscent, he didn't looked back with rose colored glasses. Never softening the war stories for a little girl, because "War is hell, honey."
Saying "I'm Bored!!" and then having Grandpa hand me the book
The History of the United States Marine Corps. He had me read it, and then we discussed it. I really thought it was punishment at the time, but I learned a lot. And hearing Grandpa's tales woven in with the book really made things much more memorable. I'm really glad that I was "bored."
The Fez and the Sparkly Fez.
Grandpa's goofy goat named Efram. He just had to have it, because it had little gold balls. (Yeah, I do mean gold goat testicles.)
"If you've got it, flaunt it."
I'll never forget when Grandpa took me to the shooting range. I knew nothing about guns and was pretty scared of them. I remember wearing shorts and a white eyelet shirt to the firing range and all the old men were laughing. He taught me to load his .22, 9mm, and 45. He had me try all three. The old men stopped laughing after they realized I was an excellent shot, having a tight cluster on all my targets. I remember Grandpa saying, "Of course she's a great shot, she's my Granddaughter!"
The gold anchor, the big gold anchor and the
really big gold anchor.
Shopping for his watch.
I remember Grandma and Grandpa coming up for my high school graduation. Grandpa was wearing his hot pink sport coat. I remember being on stage, and Marcella (the girl sitting next to me) leaned over and said "Check out that old dude in the hot pink jacket!!" To which I replied "Yep, that's my Grandpa!" He had quite a flair for dressing. It wasn't just the hot pink coat...but also hot pink pants...and bright red pants...and purple pants... (you get the point).
Making "Goombay Smash".
Learning the "correct way" to pour a scotch.
Grandpa taking me out for a drive in his new convertible. He let me drive it. I was going down A1A, driving the speed limit, when he told me, "Honey, if you're not doing at least 25 over, you're not doing it right." (Now you know where I get my lead foot!)
So for Grandpa, I'll be ordering a drink...and you know it will be a "Two Fingers, Johnny Walker, Black Label on the rocks--easy on the rocks."