Saturday, January 10, 2009

Caffinated Froggy

I was freezing this morning after my run on the Lakefront Path (unless you're living under a rock, you know there's been crazy snow in Chicago!) I was heading down Montrose and as I was shivering I saw a Starbucks and I thought "Ooo! Coffee!!" (So profound, I know.)

I got in line and was bouncing a little because I was quite chilled. This guy in line turns to me and asked if I was ok. I responded by saying "I'm cold, and just need something to warm up."

He replies with a leer and says, "How about a hot beef injection?"

I can't imagine the look on my face...what the hell?! Clearly, my brain was also frozen, because in hindsight, I can come up with at least half a dozen biting responses. All I could do was just walk out...sans coffee.

What is he thinking?! Does he really think that I'm gonna say "Ya know, that sounds amazing! Yeah, let's do it!"? Or that I would find his obscene comment funny or charming? Who even says that or feels the need to make such a comment like that in a Starbucks at 10:30 in the morning?!



Elaine said...

You RAN this morning!?!? AMAZING. Treadmills are looking awfully nice these days.

Bethie said...

LOL!! I'm laughing that you're more shocked about the fact that we were running rather than the comment!

And yes, I ran this morning. Danielle P. and I lead a group of 13 people on the path!

Meg said...

Hot beef injection? I haven't heard that expression since "The Breakfast Club"! ...maybe it's making a comeback...

Meg said...

Eek! Why am I listed as "Fox Valley Frugal Parent"??? It's me...your old friend Meghan...I live in fox valley...I am a parent...I am kind of a cheapskate...but I don't think that a good reason for my name to change itself!!! I'll have to look into this!

Meg said...

OK...I think I've fixed my name problem. Weird.

Victoria said...

LOL! Meghan, I love that it listed your name as Fox Valley Frugal Parent. Thanks for the laugh!

And Bethie... you know, he was just trying to warm you up... haha! Gross.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe there's still some dude trapped in 1986 that thinks that line might work!! Geez, did he have a mullet, too?!?!