Friday, December 12, 2008

I have come to believe...

...the DMV is clearly purgatory. There are some angels that make life a little easier...and Satin's spawn that make me want to become a danger to myself and others.

...there is a cold war between Illinois and Wisconsin. I like to call the state line "The Cheddar Curtain". I don't think the war will end in my life time.

...irregardless of how hard I try, some people are just going to be assholes. one is inherently evil. Sometimes people seem that way as a result of their environment. doesn't matter how bad I think my day has gone, it really could always be worse.

...I should never under estimate the amount of stupidity of people in large numbers.

...if I ask for an angel, one will appear. It's up to me to realize that they are present.

...everyone likes good, old fashioned, 'snail mail', especially when it's a letter or card from a friend.

...I can't control everything (people/situations), only how I react.

...character is what people do when they think that no one is watching them.

...even when I'm in the foulest moods, there are always rays of sunshine sparkling like a gift. Sometimes, I'm that sunshine for someone else.

...sometimes things are going to be painful. It's my choice as to the amount I will suffer.

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