Sunday, July 1, 2007

5.4 Horsepower

I've spent the last few days working on the house. One of the huge projects that needed to be done was staining the deck. It probably should have been done last summer, but it just didn't happen. So, with this recent bout of cool weather, I decided to tackle the project. I started on Thursday by scubbing, cleaning and preping. Then Friday, Saturday and today was spent actually staining it. It seems like there were a million ballisters (really only 150). It was taking way longer than anticipated, so I decided that before I became a danger to myself or others, that I needed a paint sprayer to help get the job done faster! The 5.4 hp paint sprayer came in handy for the areas with the lattice...and lets face it, I'm a wiz with spray paint, so the spray job looks awesome! I'm still not completely finished. I have the main parts done, but I still have to touch a few areas up, paint around the windows and doors of the hut and get all my plants a grill back on the deck. Thank God I went a bought a paint sprayer or I'd have much more than one more day of work! I think I'll take a break from it for a few days...I just can't handle anymore stain!! (Check out the half that is finished!--Lookin' sharp, if I do say so myself!)


Not4Prophet said...

Horepower? We thought you were a nice girl :)

Victoria said...

Wow Bethie... I'm impressed!

pinknest said...

wow!! this is awesome. i love your mask. haha.

Bethie said...

Mr. Pink--Thanks for noticing the typo. It's been fixed.


Pinknest--Saftey first! There's no need to breath in deck stain!

Anonymous said...

Chicks + powertools = HOT!!!

molly said...

wait! is this your house?!?! you have a huge deck like this! i thought you had an apartment in the city!

Bethie said...

Barb--Thanks!! You know I love power tools! They make those jobs around the house just a little bit easier.

Molly--I have a house in the city. I live on the Northwest side...not as much fun as other neighborhoods...but it's home!