Today one of my students left their backpack in my classroom. I unzipped it to see whose it was so I could return it. I opened the front pocket and found a little baggy with something white in it. The outside of the bag was sticky. I honestly thought it was a piece of cooked chicken breast. But then I realized that my kids are on the free lunch program. What was this white thing in a baggy?? Upon further inspection I realized what it was…
a brain!! EW!! What child keeps a brain in a baggy, in their book bag?!?! I was so utterly grossed out!!
I put it back in the book bag and walked the back pack up to the student’s classroom. I made him throw it away. Apparently he had gotten it from one of the Science teachers. It was a sheep’s brain. The science club had dissected them a month ago!!
UGH!! I touched brain juice—YUCK!!
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Monday, May 28, 2007
Mad-City Runs
This weekend was the Madison Marathon! No worries, I'm not the crazy one doing that...I left the 26.2 miles to Sarah and Barb. We headed out on Saturday night, and thanks to our gracious host Darryl we had a place to stay!
I ran the 6K, so I was done much sooner than Sarah and Barb. I walked around Bratfest. I even found a shirt that said "Will Run for Beer, Brats and Cheese" (totally made for me!) I also made some friends! This woman raises CCI puppies, just like mom! Look! He finished the half marathon!! :)

Sarah finishes strong...and as you can see--She's AWESOME!
I ran the 6K, so I was done much sooner than Sarah and Barb. I walked around Bratfest. I even found a shirt that said "Will Run for Beer, Brats and Cheese" (totally made for me!) I also made some friends! This woman raises CCI puppies, just like mom! Look! He finished the half marathon!! :)
Sarah finishes strong...and as you can see--She's AWESOME!
Friday, May 25, 2007
Ok, I'm just whining.
I have the worst sinus infection ever--I stayed home from work yesterday to sleep. It's actually spread to my ears it's so bad. UGH. I feel like OIA (to those of you non-Augie/SPD's, that's "Open Infected Ass"). My doctor actually gave me a months (30 days) worth of antibiotics. I swear, with that much in my system, I'll cough and cure 6 people. To add insult to injury, I have a 6K on Sunday and haven't done any running all week. I feel so unprepared. If that wasn't enough, I have a 10K on deck for next weekend. If my sinuses don't kill me the races might--no matter what Barb says.
I tried to cheer myself up this afternoon by going to Dairy Queen and getting a Brownie Batter Blizzard. They said they couldn't make it. I decided a that I would make do with a Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Blizzard...with extra Hot Fudge.
Hey, a girl's gotta do, what a girls gotta do. Time to get chip-faced!
And on a random side note, I totally rocked the Jeporady catagory of "I'm Not Wearing Any Pants" on the show today. (It's true! But I only added it because the catagory name was funny--and if it's not funny to you, maybe it's the drugs and cold medicine that I'm taking...)
I tried to cheer myself up this afternoon by going to Dairy Queen and getting a Brownie Batter Blizzard. They said they couldn't make it. I decided a that I would make do with a Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Blizzard...with extra Hot Fudge.
Hey, a girl's gotta do, what a girls gotta do. Time to get chip-faced!
And on a random side note, I totally rocked the Jeporady catagory of "I'm Not Wearing Any Pants" on the show today. (It's true! But I only added it because the catagory name was funny--and if it's not funny to you, maybe it's the drugs and cold medicine that I'm taking...)
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
God Save the Queen!
Huge Congratualtions to Rebekah Foreinger!!
She was crowned Mrs. Pennsylvania 2007! I'm so proud of her--she's totally my sunshine (and most of you know what a high complement that is for me!).

She was crowned Mrs. Pennsylvania 2007! I'm so proud of her--she's totally my sunshine (and most of you know what a high complement that is for me!).

Beka will be competing for the national title in July (Las Vegas here I come!). I'm so proud of her, I knew she would do it!!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
The things I do...
I did something stupid today. Not really stupid, just stupid.
I registered for the Disney World Half Marathon. (Because really stupid would have been the full marathon!). 13.2 miles seems really far right now. It's a good thing I didn't let Barb talk me into the full, or worse--the event she's doing. It's the aptly named "Goofy's Challenge", where you run both the half marathon and the full marathon in the same weekend.
Why do I let Barb talk me into these things? Oh, yeah--I need Donald Duck shaped medal!

I registered for the Disney World Half Marathon. (Because really stupid would have been the full marathon!). 13.2 miles seems really far right now. It's a good thing I didn't let Barb talk me into the full, or worse--the event she's doing. It's the aptly named "Goofy's Challenge", where you run both the half marathon and the full marathon in the same weekend.
Why do I let Barb talk me into these things? Oh, yeah--I need Donald Duck shaped medal!

Saturday, May 19, 2007
Pomp and Circumstance
Barb has done it. She has gone hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt to achieve her dream. That’s right, she has graduated from med school.
Yeah Dr. Barb!!
In honor of your accomplishment and your match to the University of Utah, I have done my research to help you learn about your new home!
Barb’s Utah Fact’s Post
Yeah Dr. Barb!!
In honor of your accomplishment and your match to the University of Utah, I have done my research to help you learn about your new home!
Barb’s Utah Fact’s Post
• State Capital - Salt Lake City (Barb’s new home!)
• Statehood Day - January 4, 1896 (45 out of 50)
• The name "Utah" comes from the Native American "Ute" tribe and means people of the mountains. (Barb, I will now be calling you Mountain girl!)
• Highest Point: Kings Peak 13,528 ft Lowest Point: Beaver Dam Wash 2,350 ft. Utah is 84,900 square miles and ranked 11th largest state in the U.S. (Big beaver to make that large of a dam)
• Utah has the highest literacy rate in the nation. Ninety-four percent of residents age 20 and over can read, and write and 89.3 percent have graduated from high school. (So, in theory, you have less dumb-asses to treat.)
• Utah was founded by Brigham Young, who moved the Mormans from the east to flee from oppression. When he found Salt Lake Valley, he decide “this is the place”.
• Utah has one of the only stretches of the Pony Express that has survived to present day. A Pony Express rider had to weigh under 120 lbs, and was only allowed 25 lbs of gear which included 4 mail pouches, a pistol, a rifle and the bible. The pony’s were retired after telegraphy lines transversed the country. (Sorry, it's the History teacher in me!)
• Salt Lake City hosted the 2002 Winter Olympics.
• Outlaw Butch Cassidy was a morman from Utah. (Again with the history!)
Professional Sports Teams (not that I’m promoting an allegiance switch, I just mean to keep you informed.)
Salt Lake Buzz (Baseball)
Utah Grizzlies (Hockey)
Utah Jazz (Basketball)
Real Salt Lake (Men's Soccer)
Utah Freezz (Men's Soccer) (Why 2 men’s teams and what’s with the names?)
Utah Spiders (Women's Soccer)
State Symbols
Animal - Rocky Mountain Elk (too bad it's not a moose--I <3,)
Emblem - Beehive
Fish - Bonneville Cutthroat Trout (cutthroat--sounds mean)
Flower - Sego Lily
Folk Dance - Square Dance (Get your partner, do-si-do!)
Fossil - Allosaurus
Fruit - Cherry
Gem - Topaz (see? Barb, your necklace was destiny!)
Grass - Indian Ricegrass
Hymn - "Utah, We Love Thee " by Evan Stephen
Insect - Honey Bee (Buzz, Buzz, Buzz!)
Mineral - Copper
Motto - "Industry"
Rock - Coal (you know...with enough pressure, coal turns to diamonds...)
Song - "Utah, This is the Place" by Sam and Gary Francis
Star and Astronomical symbol - Dubhe and Beehive Cluster (Start star gazing)
Tartan - Utah centennial tartan
Tree - Blue Spruce
Vegetable - Spanish Sweet Onion
Historic Vegetable - Sugar Beet (What’s the difference between the historic veggie and the official veggie? Do you have to cook them together?)
Fish - Bonneville Cutthroat Trout (cutthroat--sounds mean)
Flower - Sego Lily
Folk Dance - Square Dance (Get your partner, do-si-do!)
Fossil - Allosaurus
Fruit - Cherry
Gem - Topaz (see? Barb, your necklace was destiny!)
Grass - Indian Ricegrass
Hymn - "Utah, We Love Thee " by Evan Stephen
Insect - Honey Bee (Buzz, Buzz, Buzz!)
Mineral - Copper
Motto - "Industry"
Rock - Coal (you know...with enough pressure, coal turns to diamonds...)
Song - "Utah, This is the Place" by Sam and Gary Francis
Star and Astronomical symbol - Dubhe and Beehive Cluster (Start star gazing)
Tartan - Utah centennial tartan
Tree - Blue Spruce
Vegetable - Spanish Sweet Onion
Historic Vegetable - Sugar Beet (What’s the difference between the historic veggie and the official veggie? Do you have to cook them together?)
Congrats Dr. Barb—I’m so proud of you!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Blast from the Past
On my way home from the gym today I saw something quite unusual for the Chicago area...
A black squirrel! I haven't seen one since my Augie days! He was scampering around near the corner of Naragansett and Addison. I didn't realize how much I missed those little guys--yeah little black squirrel!
A black squirrel! I haven't seen one since my Augie days! He was scampering around near the corner of Naragansett and Addison. I didn't realize how much I missed those little guys--yeah little black squirrel!
Friday, May 11, 2007
Run Bethie, Run!
As a result of my trek to the top of the Hancock, (damn runner’s high!), I’ve signed up for several road races. Thanks to Barb, I’ve completed 3 5Ks this spring as well as the CrazyLegs race in Madison.
Here’s Barb and I in front of the Capitol near the starting line
(yes, I’m wearing pigtails!)
An 8K is about 5 miles, and due to my super slow 12 minute mile average it took about an hour. I’m convinced that it would have been under an hour if I hadn’t had to stop to pee in the middle of the race. To be honest, I don’t think it was my stop that slowed us down, rather the fact that I had to wait 5 minutes for some guy to get out of the port-a-potty.
Other excitement happened after the 3 mile mark, someone was on the side of the road having chest compressions. According to the Wisconsin State Journal, he was saved by an AED.
Here are the pics from the finish!
The wonder that is Wisconsin, they give you 2 beers when you cross the finish line—Rock on! I’m running a 6K that is in conjunction with the Madison Marathon (Supergirl Barb is running the Marathon) and the races finish at Beer and Brat fest. Definitely my kind of race!
I’ve also completed the Wrigley Start Early 5K, 7 Bridges 5K and the Chicago Police Dept. Run to Remember. The run sponsored by CPD, had a beer stop instead of a water stop—To which I commented “Best water stop, EVER!” If you’re super slow and looking for a running buddy, I’ve got a few more races I’m registered for…me and my ipod welcome your company!
Here’s Barb and I in front of the Capitol near the starting line
(yes, I’m wearing pigtails!)
An 8K is about 5 miles, and due to my super slow 12 minute mile average it took about an hour. I’m convinced that it would have been under an hour if I hadn’t had to stop to pee in the middle of the race. To be honest, I don’t think it was my stop that slowed us down, rather the fact that I had to wait 5 minutes for some guy to get out of the port-a-potty.
Other excitement happened after the 3 mile mark, someone was on the side of the road having chest compressions. According to the Wisconsin State Journal, he was saved by an AED.
Here are the pics from the finish!

I’ve also completed the Wrigley Start Early 5K, 7 Bridges 5K and the Chicago Police Dept. Run to Remember. The run sponsored by CPD, had a beer stop instead of a water stop—To which I commented “Best water stop, EVER!” If you’re super slow and looking for a running buddy, I’ve got a few more races I’m registered for…me and my ipod welcome your company!
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