Oh, yeah…
The time has arrived. Months of training have come to fruition.

That’s right, I made the Hancock my bitch! 94 floors in just seconds over a half hour!! I’m proud that I’ve finished…and anonymous and that certain other person who said I’d never make it…Fuck you—I did it!
Here's the start...
...and the finish!

Thanks to Peter for the pics!
I even got a medal! I’ve never gotten real hardware before!

All the fundraising went to the American Lung Association of Metropolitan Chicago, and to top it off, (per our deal) Jack has kicked the habit and quit smoking! (Congrats, Jack—I’m so proud!) It was a win/win situation!
And next year…I’ll be sure to make it in under a half hour :)
Congrats Bethie! I'm so proud of both you and Jack!!!
impressive and good for you!!!! i surely couldn't have done that! i get winded just running up the stairs to catch the train!
Woohoo! You sure kicked some bootie! I'm so proud of you! You rock!
And by the way... let me know if you want to go out some weekend... yes, I will gladly make the trek downtown! ;-)
wow! that is awesome!! congrats.
Very very impressive. I complain because I have to walk to the basement to the 4th floor to get to the office... :)
Good job I am so proud of you! You set a GREAT example for all your Students.
Way to go Bethie!!! You ROCK!! You get more amazing every day. :-)
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