Monday, June 26, 2006

A Quckie Cause

On Thursday, June 29, the Appropriations Committee of the U.S. Senate will recommend next year’s funding level for the National Endowment for the Arts.

Why do I care? First of all, I'm an art teacher. It's much easier to do my job with supplies. Second of all, I hardly received funding for supplies this year. For 850 students, less than $.75 was given per student for art supplies. For next year, will be a little better, but not by much. Help me get this amount increased. Every little bit helps.

Currently, the NEA is funded at $124 million, which is far below its levels of the mid-1990’s. The House has approved an increase of $5 million for next year. While this is a positive step at a time when many domestic programs are actually being cut, it would still not provide enough to keep up with inflation.

If the Senate approves and insists upon an increase of $10 million, the NEA would be able to support more arts institutions and programs in communities across the country. And remember, every dollar of NEA funding leverages about seven additional dollars from other funders, making it an extraordinarily productive investment for the federal government.
Please take just two minutes to contact your Senator. Those of you from Illinois can especially make a difference, Dick Durbin is on the appropriations committee. If you don't know your Senator, just type in your zip code and the site will tell you. This link provides you with a fully customizable letter that you can edit as you wish. You can click and don't even have to think if you don't want to!

Go to to help make a difference.

Thank you in advance!

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