Saturday, May 6, 2006

My little piggy

Yeah, I know I'm going to sound whiney...

I broke my baby toe!! It looks like a purple grape where my toe should be. I tripped over Chris' shoes--stupid big feet. That pair of shoese smells any way.

I do appreacate the suggestions to make it feel better. Mom says to ice it, Barb says buddy tape and drugs, and Laura says Tiger Balm. I don't know which will work, but I'll be wearing sandals for a while!!


Anonymous said...

Just hack it really don't need it...

molly said...

i have a permanently retarded little toe, so do feel so bad! damn foot surgery a few years ago left it limp and kinda stick up. dumb toe. i also got the suggestion to chop it off.

it would fit better in stilettos then though!