Saturday, January 28, 2006

Words, words, words...

I've discovered that I'm not the lone freak of nature that has an aversion to certain words. I'm sure many remember the reasons why I don't care fore the "c-u next Tuesday" word (and if you don't I'm sure Dave will take the liberty to remind us...)

I've also found that others hate certain words. For example, I know that Becca can't stand the word "moist" and I've recently discovered that Chris is grossed out by the word "dollop". It makes me wonder what other words people hate to hear... (So Post 'em!)


molly said...

i can't really think of any words that i don't like .. except i hate it when people say "wife beater" to talk about a ribbed tank top!!! !!

but i want to start useing the word "fascinated" more often. dunno why! it's my new mission .....

Anonymous said...

Bethie, It has taken every ounce of strength I have not to post about a certain lunchtime event involving Mexican food and a bad taste. Beware, one of these days, in a moment of weakness, I may post one or more tales of lunchtime folly.

Friends don't let friends drink and blog.


"Irregardless" makes me crazy.

Anonymous said...

Back in college, Traci & I used to torture Amanda with the words "moist" and "panties." However, these words were generally not used in the same sentance.

Bethie said...

Thanks Dave, you're so kind. (And for the record, it was Applebee's).

Barb--Becca also doesn't like the word moist...