Sunday, January 1, 2012

I'm ba-a-ack!


Is this thing on?

Wha?! Bethie blogging again? Crazy!

Ok, it's been a while. First of all, unless some random froggie heads my way, the Frog Chronicles are disappearing. That's right...I've found my prince and I'm getting married in June. Wedding plans are underway (know any good photographers?).

Last January, I was injured and had to take 2011 off from running. It sucked. I was fat and depressed. However, I've dropped my injury weight and am back to running again. Fingers crossed that my fiancé will let me run a marathon on our honeymoon. ;)

Still teaching, although sadly it's Science and not Art.

Seamus the Wondercat has been (unhappily) joined by Duke, an 85 lb. Weimarweiner.
Hmmm... Can I really sum up almost 2 years in a few sentences? I guess, if you have questions you can ask, it will give me something to blog about!