Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Better than summer!

So, at work today during my prep period (a.k.a. free period away from any children) I was puttering around on line looking for project ideas/references for my cultural arts class (Hey, you never know where inspiration will strike---thank you But seriously, I do like to print out images for my students, because most of them have never seen many of the works of art that I reference in my lectures.

I stumbled on this site, The National Consortium for Teaching about Asia (, this site didn't really have what I was looking for, but it did have information about travel grants for teachers.

Why is this exciting? Well, let me do the math for you. I am a teacher. I like to travel.

Someone out there is willing to finance my habit!! There are grants to pay for me to go to all sorts of exotic places!!! There's one grant for approximately $30,000.00 from the Japanese Government that will send me to Japan for 3 weeks. Others will send me to Australia... Finally, another benefit to being a teacher besides June, July and August!!

I totally will be applying!! If I can't find grants to pay for art supplies, at least I know I can find grants to send me to other parts of the world!!

Time to dust off the passport!! (and I was exited about going to Disney World in 2 weeks!)

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